Here’s a neat one. Elvira’s House of Horrors: it’s possible to collect the Trailer Trash value twice for the same haunt.
I completed my fourth haunt to light Director’s Cut. This starts the untimed version of the Trailer Trash round, with the blue lights. While that was active, Gappa Angry became lit. The lights turned yellow. The shot to the house that started Gappa Angry also collected the Trailer Trash value, shown in yellow. Then after Gappa Angry, the blue lights for untimed Trailer Trash were on again, and the shot to the house that started Director’s Cut also collected the same Trailer Trash value again, shown in blue.
Said differently: if Gappa Angry becomes lit during the blue untimed Trailer Trash round, it converts to the yellow version and can be collected, then the blue version is active again after Gappa Angry. I wonder if this could actually be looped indefinitely - avoid the blue shots forever and get enough switch hits to light Gappa Angry all over again, which would convert the blue round to yellow again and collect it again and relight it blue again afterwards.