Twice, I’ve ended up in a buggy state where the right ramp is always lit as if you were doing a super skill shot (inserts continually do a chase animation). I think the bug is just limited to the insert effects, because it doesn’t seem to award anything if you hit the shot.
I believe both times it happened by combining Ninja MB and Katanarama. Tonight, the inserts continued doing this on subsequently played games. Eventually I turned off the machine and it went away.
(The previous time this happened to me, I didn’t play another game afterwards, so I’m not sure if it continued to happen on subsequent games)
Sabretooth for #1 to get the fast clear bonus, Juggernaut for #2 to not deal with risky shots. Getting back to LDP is a good strategy, especially with a control mode like Meg.
This happened to me once too. I know it started after Ninja MB and I think either hit a super jackpot or had it lit when I drained out of MB. It continued for subsequent games until I turned it off.
Just theorizing… perhaps the longer-running 2x was due to being in multiball, and having balls in the pops, and perhaps the pops trigger a pause in the 2x PF timer?
BOOM button suggestion came up yesterday for those of us who don’t look at the display and struggle with colors (ahhh TNA ball saves!!). Could you also code the button to pulse with the number of BOOMs in storage? 1= pulse on… pulse on…; 2 pulse pulse on…pulse pulse on; 3 pulse pulse pulse on… pulse pulse pulse on…etc.
On the new code, to requalify LDP MB, I think you have to finish a quest first. Otherwise, you end up with a 100K switch hit frenzy and single ball play after the lock. I’m not 100% sure on this, but that seemed to be the behavior I could come up with.
Definitely doesn’t require a Quest. My strat has been to light up all teammates, start jughead, start LDP MB to defeat Jug. After exiting LDP MB, LDP Frenzy has been lit, so I try to start it, then Disco MB.
I interpreted the question as being how to requalify LDP multiball (i.e. play it a second time), and not LDP frenzy. Several of us were able to play it twice. Your strat is the same way I’ve been playing it.