California Extreme tournament pre-registration

@kdeangelo has built pre-registration into the tournament for this year’s event! You can now enter your name and contact information in advance, and get a player number that you can bring into the tournament and use to start buying entries. If you know you will be coming and playing, please pre-register! It will help reduce lines on the first day and keep things moving smoothly. You can pre-register at

We also still need some scoreekeepers for Saturday night. If you’re interested in scorekeeping, please sign up on the spreadsheet below


Holy crap Discourse will embed Google docs now? CRAZY.

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Done! That was incredibly easy!

Do you know how one gets access to the tournament area on Friday night? Do I need to pick up my badge somewhere? I’ve been before but always just on Sat/Sun.

(oEmbed makes all kinds of embedding very easy)

You can collect your badge on Friday, then just tell them you’re a tournament player and they’ll let you into the hall.

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Perfect! See you Friday :slight_smile:

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i’m just commenting because that is the coolest thing i’ve ever seen on a forum! i love the future.