2024 and 2025 Events - Dates and Links

LOL we are one of the largest pinball events on the East Coast. Regardless, you are spot on Bob. We are very intentional about where we do and don’t promote our event given that it is definitely not for everyone. Props to Jade for listing us here though :sparkling_heart:

I just thought it was funny when it got added and then removed. That’s a perfect metaphor for the event. Much love to Joe for having our backs. That man played a major role in developing my love for pinball. He’s the best!

We seriously don’t care about this. Just having some fun with you all. Put it up, take it down, whatevski. Furreal tho, you should come through this year Bob. We’ve got one hell of a classics collection. Just remember to bring your dancin’ shoes because it’s fun first, competition second at PinBaltimore. Serious competitors be forewarned.


Don’t know who took it down; it wasn’t me. When it got wikified, editing the list became open.

FYI, I lived outside Baltimore for several years and ran the northern Maryland chapter of FSPA in the late 1990’s. We used to play at the batting cage place on York Road. I hosted some joint FSPA parties with the southern branch; Joe and Julie usually hosted at their end. Dave Stewart was there then, too (southern).

Can’t make it to PinBaltimore this year, I’ll be at the UK Open (circuit plus two classics events).

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Don’t know who took it down; it wasn’t me. When it got wikified, editing the list became open.

Yeah man, haters gonna hate. Like I said, they hate us cuz they ain’t us LOLOL. I don’t know who “they” is, but they are always out here hating. Maybe some don’t take our event seriously becuase only half of the tournamnets are sanctioned and the rest are just for fun and because we place more of a focus on non-competitors / relaxed competition / the live music aspect.

Didn’t realize you were an FSPA vet! I moved to Baltimore about 12 years ago and helped run VBH when it was around. Been fighting the good fight to spread Pinball around Baltimore city ever since.

Awesome, have fun in London! We didn’t want to conflict with LPO as I know a lot of the NYC crew and some of our locals were torn about which event to attend. However, as you said, the schedule is so crowded these days with big events that you are almost bound to conflict with something.

I was at UK Open last year as I happened to be traveling through London at the time. Neil and the gang had an amazing lineup! I could only attend Saturday / play classics and there was some unfortunate business with the tourney software, so I spent most of my time drooling over pins I couldn’t play LOL. Safe travels and good luck!

I should probably just let it go, but it looks like it was you, on July 2. I assume no Il intent. Probably just a mistake when moving PATL.

Don’t know, but as long as it’s correct now, that’s what matters. I know sometimes people add events out of the proper chronological sequence and I have to clean the list up a bit. Maybe I did and used a dirty mop; if so, my apologies. Or maybe the gremlins just wanted to put me in touch with Jake. Gremlins can be incredibly devious in their methods.


The gremlins are far too preoccupied with all my system 80 pins to be out here posting on Tilt :smiling_imp: Semi-related: Anyone want to help me throw a Bad Girls out a damn window?

Never drains link for Silverball Rumble and Pintastic is live. Finals links are in there as well. Sign up everyone and skip the lines.

Stream will be at twitch.tv/backhandpinball

With all the pre-registrations upcoming — Starfighters this weekend, TPF/Pinmasters in September, and INDISC in October — it’s probably time to start adding those 2024 events :skull: so people don’t miss out!

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I made a massive edit to the schedule, removing events already completed and adding in ones with known dates for 2024, with links where available.

Viewers of this page should FEEL FREE TO CORRECT any information that got garbled in my edit. If your event is on there, please check to ensure that I have your correct information and most recent link. If more information about your event becomes available, e.g. it is verified to be a Circuit event next year, has a pre-registration date that wasn’t set as of when I last looked, etc., please add or change whatever is necessary or drop me a note and I’ll do it. Likewise, if your event has not yet taken place and was accidently removed, please put it back in or drop me a note to do so.



Thanks, @BMU !

I added Music City Multicon Oct.27-29 2023 in Lebanon Tenn.This is the evolution of the Grand Ole Gameroom Expo which has been happening for close to ten years. Pre-reg is through Matchplay. The Saturday tournament usually has close to 100 players.

The Multicon has some pretty cool guests this year including Danny Trejo, Tait Fletcher, Chris Bartlett, and WWE legends Ted Dibiasi, Jimmy Hart and Mike Rotunda.

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Added the CERTIFIED Electric Bat 5 Year Anniversary bash happening on November 18-19, Electric Bat 5 year Anniversary Bash Tickets, Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

The link provided for the main tournament says:
“We will do random swiss pairing until 4 PM.”

That’s not a thing. Assume it’s Swiss? And first round is random?

Yeah, in matchplay it says random first round and swiss after that. I found a cool tidbit on facebook about the top 16. Very interesting…

“Saturday’s playoffs will be slightly different this year. No byes for the top 4 players. We will be taking the top 16 players into the playoffs with the 16th decided by the following:
Players 16-33 will play three 6 player matches on Six Million Dollar Man. The top 3 scores overall (not in your group) from the 18 players will then play a one game sudden death match of Dragonfist to determine the 16th and final playoff spot. Yes. I am serious. That is what we are going to do.”



I’d love to see the TGP calculation for that

15 people get “byes”… 6 player group game in there… good god you’d need a PHD in WPPROlogy


Added Southland Mega Matchplay
Nov 18 & 19 in Cleveland

IFPA Certified
200% TGP
$20 entry fee
100% payouts

68 player limit


Contact clevelandpinball@gmail.com to join the waitlist

Results from the last one we did in August:


All relevant links added for Seaside Champ III.

Added dates for NW Pinball and Arcade show 6/7-9/2024 ( International Flipper Pinball Association (ifpapinball.com)) and NW Pinball Championships 9/6-8/2024 ( International Flipper Pinball Association (ifpapinball.com)).