2018 IFPA Nationals/Womens/Pin-Masters initial game list

Always subject to change, and it’ll only be 12 games for Nationals/Women’s and 9 for Pin-Masters, but here’s the tentative list of potential games we’ll be using out in Vegas . . .

Gottlieb Abra Ca Dabra
Williams Miss-O
Bally 4 Queens
Bally Paragon
‎Williams Sorcerer
Gottlieb Genie
Allied Leisure The Entertainer
Williams Barracora
Data East Time Machine
Data East Torpedo Alley
Stern Game of Thrones‎ Pro
Stern Iron Man
Bally Black Rose
Gottlieb Stargate
Stern TRON Legacy Pro
Stern Star Trek LE
Stern Metallica Pro
Stern X-Men Pro
Stern Stars
Bally Viking
Stern Seawitch
Bally Hard Body
Sega Twister
Stern Star Wars Pro
Stern Aerosmith Pro
Williams Flash
Bally Mr. & Mrs Pac Man


I want to see game 7 of finals on The Entertainer


Shatz all day FTW!

That’s ‘The’ Entertainer to you!

What’s the ipdb link on this one?


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Also, as someone who has played 'The" Entertainer a bunch of times when it was in my living room, I suggest staying far away from this thing for competition. There’s skill involved, but there’s just not enough real pinball here.