WPPR formula change to v5.2 for 2016!

So this is only slightly related to current discussion, but it was an interesting question posted to the pinside thread:


I’m off of pinside for now due to rampant toxicity, so I’ll respond here.

What score formats result in the least ties?

I’m sure there was a better way to do it, but since I’m tired I just brute-forced it in excel with copious cut-and-paste and much usage of $ addresses. Here are my results:

4-2-1-0 results in 5808 matches (out of 13824 - 242424) with ties and 6912 total ties (whether groups that have 3-way ties, 4-way ties, or 1 or 2 2-way ties)
3-2-1-0, 4-3-2-1, 7-5-3-1, etc. are all mathematically the same. In these setups you get 6096 matches with ties and 8640 total ties.
10-5-1-0 gives 3360 matches with ties and 4032 total ties.

Those were the only ones asked about, but it’s easy to try anything now with how I did the sheet. So here are a couple other interesting variations:

8-4-2-1 results in 3360 matches with ties and 3744 total ties.

16-9-4-1 results in 1920 matches with ties and 2304 total ties. This is the floor, as I also tried 1000000-10000-100-1 and got the same result.

Hope people find this interesting, I know I did.