Picture this idea. The top 8 finalists, before matches begin, are taken outside the event hall. Over the loudspeakers, in a loud booming voice, is heard:
The Alan Parsons’ Project “Sirius” (aka 90s Chicago Bulls/Ricky Steamboat theme) starts playing
“The Tatooine Pinball Festival Mos Eisley Championship Tournament finals! Out of 1000 entrants, it has all come down to these 8 competitors, and at the end, only 1 will hold the prestigious MOS EISLEY CHAMPIONSHIP!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… LET’S GET READY TO PINBALLLLLLLLL!”
Theme music plays for each competitor as they enter the event hall and head towards the tourney bank as the announcer calls out their name, hometown, etc
Yeah, it might add some time to finals but it would attract more of a live audience, it would look cool for the viewers at home, etc.
FSPA (Free State Pinball Association, MD/VA/DC) vs PPL (Pittsburgh Pinball League). No money, no WPPRs, but an immense amount of fun. (There was a preliminary head-to-head round that wasn’t broadcast, too, so everyone from both leagues got to participate.). This event was originally created to provide some early “fun fodder” for PAPA.tv.
I hope the FSPL/PPL faceoff happens again. Until then, we’ve been brainstorming around some ideas for the PPL (there’s a streaming drone/rig/thing now, but we’re off-season).
If Twitch taught me anything though, showmanship gets viewership. Whether that’s Jack Danger having fun and streaming or a PAPA event gone overboard, we’re starting to shrug off the serious pall in a world of streaming. There’s still a ways to go, though!
I’m fairly sure we’ll have another League Challenge. We’d been talking about having another one late 2015, but unfortunately that fell through… scheduling can be a bear.
(FWIW, @JSwain, getting up to PAPA for those events was a 4+ hour drive for most FSPA’ers, but we still managed to get 30+ people there each time… pretty good for what was basically just a day trip.)
Yeah we have it easier from Cat for distance but heading through NY from here will always add an hour or two. It’s really an impossible day trip for NEPL. And I love driving like crazy. Hell I’m driving to Alaska and back from pinburgh this year in under 2 weeks but even Pittsburgh and back in a day with a competition in the middle is too much for me.