Anyone have ideas for creating a switch protector for the Venom Pro right U-turn gate switch? Ours on location has broken 3 times now. Balls coming off habitrails on failed shots resulting in air balls keep damaging it and breaking it. Stern has been informed but not sure if they have anything in the works. I’ve seen many other protectors for other games out there but wondering if anyone has seen anything like this as I can’t find it.
Or if you’re a modder, this might be a great new mod, I’d happily pay for it considering operator downtime and new switch costs.
Might a switch cover work there, like on TZ upper playfield? Marco is out of the clips that hold them, but has lots of different sizes of switch covers.
Cut a small rectangular piece of acrylic, or an old plastic, and mount it on to the scoop side of the switch. Make sure it’s just long enough to protect the lugs and switch wiring. Bonus if you can make it long enough to heat up one end and fold it over the top side of the switch.
I used a square piece of rubber I found for both sides. People selling other ideas on Pinside.
I also slightly raised my flipper rubbers thinking may keep the ball on playfield.
Related, Stern is sending out (to your distributor) a three piece protector set. The only confirmed protector is the center ramp cover. Maybe the other two will be for the ball lock optos.