This Flippin Podcast

Tommy Skinner and I host a podcast named This Flippin Podcast. We occasionally have some great guest and then bury their interview in our banter that covers everything from my need to relax and Tommy’s disturbing Twitch watching habits…so basically we have a good time talking pinball.

Apologies in advance.

  • Taylor

Hey Taylor. I really enjoyed the recent one with John Trudeau! I may have to give you guys a listen in between Nate’s offerings.

Its like my fourth or fifth favorite podcast! J/k, I love the chemistry between you and Tommy. Always an entertaining 4-5 hours per episode.


Thank you guys so much for the podcast. I started listening a few episodes ago and have been really enjoying it.

I especially liked the discussion in your most recent episode about how serious of a player you want to be and are you willing to take it to the next level.

I try to miss this podcast but it keeps showing up in my feed :grin:

Just kidding, keep up the good work Taylor and Tommy :+1:

I think I’m on this show. Just saw the thread. It’s halfway decent halfway terrible but always fun to talk pinball.