Select rpg. Play rpg. Won. End of ball bonus.
$1 game. Ruling?
Select rpg. Play rpg. Won. End of ball bonus.
$1 game. Ruling?
Assuming this was just a fun game among friends, with no advance declaration of a ruleset in force…
Major Malfunction due to unexpected end of ball that is not part of the normal game rules. Everyone plays the game through completion, and then you get to add on the score of one additional ball in a new game.
For dollar games?
Why are you playing T3 at all for fun, by choice?
The pinball gods are telling you to go play a better pin.
Agree with Joe. Before you play any more cash games on it, make sure it’s on 4.0 software. It’s been a while, but it seems like the earlier software was sketchy.
Interesting. I like T3. Certainly a heck of a lot better than T2.
I think this only applies to $100 games.
What happened is probably that the autoplunger short-plunged repeatedly, so the ball never went into the scoop. This happened to me recently, and with style: Last ball, chose RPG, success, which lit Final Battle. Game over. Not competition.
If you know the ruling will be “tough luck”, there could be a point in checking what happens with the ball (the metal one…) and delay completion of RPG to get a long plunge.
Related behavior: If you choose for instance Mystery and get a shortplunge, you can start play immediately and enjoy an unintended ball save. Unless that is ruled as exploit. Everthing is dark, but counts.