Cheers from Norway!
Me and two friends are responsible for organizing the monthly tournaments in Oslo Pinball Club, along with some standalone events. One of these is a christmas matchplay tournament, which we had last year and again this year,3rd November. Now, we have some disagreement us organizers in between when it comes to the format, specifically swiss system.
We have X rounds of 4player groups matchplay, first round ifpa slaughter seeding, and after that its swiss, with points 7-5-3-1. One of the others are very dissatisfied with swiss because he feels it is unfair for the good players, because if they get to the top group with the best players and hardest competion, and comes last he only gets one point, whereas the winner a group or two below will still get 4 points. So he feels you gets punished for playing well.
I for myself dont really think its unfair, although I see his point, but over 5-6 rounds it evens out and the top 8 or whatever amount of players who advance, is in most cases the ones who have played best and most consistent. Besides, its even more welcome for the mid-levek players who might have a better chance of advancing if the play well too.
He had one suggestion, to weight the points you get in the top groups. I see his point, but dont really know how this will affect the competition,and does not the point of swiss go away then?
I have understood swiss is mostly a european thing. So i wonder, what do you players and organizers in the US and elsewhere think about this format? Is it unfair, why/why not?
Edit: Must add, ive been to several matchplay tournaments in sweden,austria etc and have heard no complaints publically from the top players there at least.