Stern Jurassic Park: Ball Time/length issue

Hey all,
So we have a Jurassic Park at our club in Oslo, and it is used frequently in tournaments. Great game.
I am quite known for setting up machines very diffficult, because I am a sadist and it makes players become better. We also have good statistics of how long game times our different machines take. Jurassic Park is on the top tier of long playing games, despite having tight tilt, slope and open outlanes without rubbers.

So my question; What would help with reducing the game time somewhat, is disabling the outlane ball saves. How can we turn off the outlane ball saves?


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If the software doesn’t allow, disconnect the switches.

Super sensitive sling shots can be quite punishing on JP.


I was going to say one steep premium near me doesn’t play long, but I found a harder one online. Lynn’s arcade in Seaside California. Call or email them. GC is a hilariously low 250M, which can be seen on IC. They too are sadists. Probably has lightning flipper bats and no outlane posts.

Ironically I warmed up on the steep one near me before league Thursday night. Only game I warmed up on, and I crushed when my group played it later. A great reminder to warm up on games you don’t like before competition. It works.

Turn up the power of the slings and make them extra sensitive. Get really bouncy flipper rubbers that force players to have excellent ball control or get punished in the slings. Turn off all of the ball savers.

Put Raptor Tri-Ball and the T-Rex encounters on hard so it’s a ton of shots as well.

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Lynn’s also used to have the left inlane post disabled so that it would never come up! (even for smart missiles!)

As already mentioned: SLINGS.

Also, make kickback (Escape) harder, so that you begin the game without it lit.

Also, you can set TREX to NOT offer T-Rex MB as it’s first award. This makes the first award offered Encounter, Chase, Rampage, and last is T-Rex MB (if the player is willing to pound the Jeep ball some more even after the T-Rex mode is lit at the ramp). Means: less easy access to another MB = shorter game time.

Also, I cut all multiball ball-saves in half, but keep them a minimum of 10 seconds.

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can’t do that on Keith’s games though :slight_smile:

Also, keep in mind that “steeper pitch” does not always strictly correlate to “more difficult”. I’ve found that on many games, depending on the playfield geometry and especially when outlane rubbers are absent, a shallower pitch can lead to “floaty-ness” that actually makes outlane drains more likely.

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Yeah or just from the fact that most of use are used to much steeper games now. So a super floaty game can be wicked hard. But I find them simply less fun like that. So I use other tools to toughen them up.

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