(1) The original “Acciari” in PAPA Circuit Finals (year 2 ?) from Daniele himself. To start in the bottom group of 20 great players and not come last in a four player match 16 games in a row against, arguably, increasingly skilled (although “cold”) players, until surviving to the end and then beating the remaining other three awesome players in a 7 game, papa-style super match to win the belt
(2) Keith Elwin’s “Acciari” run this past weekend at Expo, where he started as the lowest seed in the “A” Division of a huge best-two-out-of-three, double elimination bracket - and played three matches on the winners side before Joe Katz sent him down to (7 ? ish) matches on the losers side, and then two final matches against Zach Sharpe, without him ever losing two out of three games and every competitor having two game picks against him… And, and… IM, WWE, and a GB Premium were in the bank… and, oh yeah, he hadn’t played a single ball on any of the 9 games before finals began…
Both remarkable feats, really. But which do you think was “harder” (and since the formats are inherently different, there is no right answer here, ya ?) - just perhaps and interesting discussion (or not) about the relative merits of it all…
In Daniele’s favor, I would say that four player games are much more grueling than two player games, and to string 16 of them together without tripping up enough to lose even one of them is mind-blowing. He gets major bonus points for the jetlag from Italy, too!
In Keith’s favor, he had to play near flawlessly for a full day, and then play his best for another 6 hours the next day!! And did I mention that he played like 10 games of WWE, lol… Think about that. I would find playing 10 games of WWE in a year to be challenging! But in one day ? Sheesh.
Also, PAPA’s overhead lighting is stellar. Top Notch. Elwin had to play through the “Expo Glare” on Saturday afternoon
Now, a “strike” against Elwin’s difficulty level would be that GoT was in the bank and his mastery of that game is silly. I’m pretty certain when he got to play it that he never had less than 3 bils on a game and a few in the 6bil - 7bil range… Beatable ? sure. But if you want to give Keith a better chance in a tournament (and burn through all of @FunWithBonus cell batteries!) , throw a GoT in there and see how that goes…
Keith played in a Sternament, while the Circuit Finals for Daniele featured games from all eras and although they weren’t picked often, Daniele had a much broader range of games to trip up on than Keith, so advantage Daniele… IM and GB are still way more controllable than Quicksilver and Jungle Queen et al…
Also, Keith was in Daniele’s tournament, but Daniele wasn’t at Expo this year, so that’s gotta count for something to, right ? And of course, Jorian made a very similar run to Keith this year at Expo a couple of years ago (3 years ago) where ST was his GoT - and he went to the losers bracket in his first match, so the precedence of insane Expo runs had already been set, and could be repeated again. The Circuit Final run can never be repeated because the format has changed, but even if it hadn’t been changed, I would bet against it ever happening again…
So I’m gonna say Daniele’s run in Circuit Finals was harder, but Keith’s run this past weekend was still insanely good.
Now, which would you rather have, the Circuit Winner’s belt or a NIB Stern from Trent ?