So I recently watched a quarterfinals match on spiderman from PAPA 14 that I found pretty interesting. On ball 3 Bowen as player 1 had something like 140m, Paul Jongma as player 3 was chasing with around 115m and lit battle royale while in armed at the dock. After draining out of multiball, he took one shot to try and start battle royale, bricked, and the ball headed straight to the right outlane. He tried to make a move to save the ball but he had double dangered earlier in his ball and ended up tilting. Rough. But what makes it worse is that apparently there is a rule on spiderman that on ball 3, and ball 3 only, when battle royale is lit the outlanes become lit for a ballsaver (which is a cool rule that I didn’t know). So if Paul had just let the ball go out without nudging he would have gotten the ballsave and been able to take another shot at starting BR, giving himself a chance to overtake Bowen.
I found it interesting because it was such a clear case of how important rule knowledge and situational awareness are. Anyone have a story about losing because you didn’t know a specific rule or you didn’t realize the situation you were in?