I tried the best I could to resist doing this, but the Slamtilt’ers made go there. Hey @Gizmonic.
On Rollergames (L-2), Sudden death is started by either Roller motion mystery or at random during gameplay.
Roller motion mystery:
8% chance if Sudden death not played yet, this player, this game.
16% chance if Sudden death has been played, this player, this game.
At random during gameplay:
The game might decide, that Sudden death is not available at all this ball-in-play.
On a 3 ball game, there is a 50% chance of no Sudden death on ball 1. No ruling out on balls 2 and 3.
If Sudden death is qualified this ball-in-play, the game decides per random chance on starting it or not each 7 seconds.
10% chance if Sudden death not played yet, this player, this game.
1% times balls played (incl. extra balls), if Sudden death has already been played, this player, this game.
Example. 3% chance on ball 3.
With a lot of exceptions to starting it. No complete overview, but it pretty much boils down to, that Sudden death is never started if other stuff is going on. Or if there is no ball activity.
Other stuff includes as little as just having the ball in The pit.
No ball activity includes being in the status report. And ball search, of course.
I have not found any evidence, that game statistics have an influence.
Once per ball-in-play only. Also if previous was via the mystery.
With full disclaimer.