Pinball goals for 2017

As I enter my 3rd year of competitive Pinball and I continue to take it more seriously, I thought I would publically commit to my goals so I can see how well I did at the end of the year.

  • break top 200 at some point in the year
  • Seed into A at pinburgh
  • Attend 3 events I have never attended before
  • qualify for PCS
  • win my league
  • make it to encore

What are your goals for 2017?


2016 was my first year playing pinball competitively, and what a year it was! I met tons of new people and played tons of games that I had never played (or even seen) before. That being said, I have a few goals for next year.

:white_check_mark: Qualify for B division at Pinburgh (got 5th in C, close enough)
:heavy_check_mark: Reach 20 tournaments played for WPPR points
:heavy_check_mark: Finish in the top 3 of a tournament (had some minor 2nd place finishes, just placed 1st in the Wicked Pissa Pinball Tournament V)


My only goal of 2016 was to be in the top 2,000 before year end and I was able to get that done.

For 2017:

Make A division of the cincy league.

Qualify in A for at least one tournament (classics or main) at the Louisville show and Cleveland show.

Have a winning record against players ranked higher than me (ifpa rank) at Pinburgh. Not sure how easily I can track this one.


My local league (NEPL) changed away from an “everyone goes to finals” format to a new format where only the top 24 within a division compete in finals. So, my goal for this year is to make it to finals in all three seasons (I’d say no sandbagging, but I don’t think I’ve ever been seeded any higher than D anyway!)

(After posting this I thought “well duh, isn’t everyone’s goal to win”, but I actually think in our league there are definitely some folks who are just playing/competing for fun and not actively trying to place into a certain division, or get a top 24 spot. But yeah, I realize on a forum like tiltforums, saying your goal is “make it to finals in your league” is probably table stakes!)


Ryan Case (OH) Here. I set goals every year, I think it is great for self improvement and really feels rewarding when you reflect back on it at the end of the year. Here were my 2016 Goals (with Results) and new goals for 2017:


  • Crack top 150 in world Standings (ended the year at 145)
  • Make Ohio SCS (Check!)
  • top 24 in Classics at PAPA ( FAIL! But did hit 37th in Classics II so not far off)
  • Top 50 in A division at PAPA (Not even close and will not be competing in A this year with the Pump and Dump Best Game rules in place.)


  • Crack top 120 in World Standings
  • Become Ohio State Champion
  • Top 24 in Classics at PAPA
  • Record a first place Finish for both a Kidforce League and Cleveland Pinball League

Lofty Goals but hey, make your dreams come true! Good luck to everyone in 2017 and I’ll see you on the flippers!


Win a f*cking Major . . . the end :slight_smile:

  • Beat @sk8ball in IL SCS (if we end up facing each other)
  • Reclaim Split-flipper chainsaw trophy at PAPA
  • Improve playing consistency. Not sure how to measure this.
  • Help other people get into or get better at pinball. Do this by hosting 2+ tutorials for our local selfie league, figure out how to be a better teacher in and out of that context.

Decide if I dislike playing GhostBusters or CFTBL more.
Attend an event in a different state never attended before.
Reach EOL on Metallica, had the scoop lit twice, fail.
Receive MPE 2013 Raffle prize.
Only participate in charity tourneys in which public proof of money raised and actual donation is made.
Help local league members play better.


Similarly my only goal is:

Become a World Champion :slight_smile:


Play Pinball, that’s it, having 3 small kids that’s pretty much all I dare commit to :slight_smile:


Not come in dead last in C at pinburgh :wink:
Do more work on my silly Ironman HD project.
Finally finish/release [REDACTED] ColorDMD.


Started my second year playing in September so I’m still relatively new, but here are my goals:

  • Make the playoffs for both of the leagues I’m in (missed it by inches last time), but I’m finishing higher each time
  • Beat @gammagoat goat during matchplay at least once at an event (as long as it isn’t Tee’d Off) :wink:
  • Attend a major event (I’m going to Pinburgh so mission will be accomplished)
  • Related to above, don’t totally suck at Pinburgh.
  • Finally fix that damn spinner on Stars
  • Practice as much as possible with a focus on increasing shot accuracy
  • Add a new machine to the collection.
  • Play more pinball :smiley:

2016 was my first year playing competitively. I’m currently a little outside the top 1000 on IFPA, and that’s with taking a big break from pinball from May-September or so.

  • Win a tournament. I had 4 or 5 top 4 finishes this year but no wins.

  • Hit top 500 IFPA ranking. This should be doable.

  • Travel outside the PNW and qualify for a tournament. Might be too lazy to do this one.


I’m a big believer in Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which have to be measurable. So while my goal is to qualify for B in pinburgh that really isn’t a measurable KPI since it is binary and there are a lot of external factors I can’t really control.


  • Average 1 hr / day of play.
  • Practice flipper skills for an hour each month. (Tap pass, schatz, etc.) (I do this at modern on free play. No real playing, just practice the skill.)
  • One WPPR tournament a month. (Not league but an actual tournament.)

Goals for my area:
Continue to increase participation in my league(MCPL)
Host a tourney at my home.
Try to get more tourneys/leagues happening in my state(Alabama)
Try to play even more location pinball.

Goals for myself as a player:
Win my SCS for the 4th year and attend Nationals.
Play in at least 5 Papa Circuit Events
Try to get back below 200 on WPPR( Been slipping like a mofo )
Try to get the balls to play Papa A division!


Some nice goals, wish you the best.
Below 200 on WPPR should be easy enough.
Getting the balls to play PAPA A now that its Herb Best Game format, good luck.

You better start travelling! You’ll crush it if Super League is anything to go by! :slight_smile:

As for me, I wanna say my goal is to finally f*ckin’ jump Raymond but I’ll settle for IFPA top 10 or a “major” win! :slight_smile:


My goals…

Put more games on location
Restore a High Speed
Grow our pingolf league a little bit
Start a weekly or biweekly league at a new location near my house
Get back into the top 500 … might be tough given I don’t travel much
Finish INDISC classics higher than last year (12th I think) - missed this one, but I won B so I get some nice acrylic to make up for it.