Ladies and Gentlemen!
I’m pleased to announce that after raising $5102 in 2015/16 and achieving it’s goal of sending 100 students in rural Ecuador for a primary education, Pinball for Change is returning to do it all over again!
We have 3 events planned for the fall.
Saturday October 22nd - 5 pm - Press Start Pinball Arcade - Keswick ON. This is Vengeance’s new venue, and this is an excellent opportunity to check it out if you haven’t had a chance yet. We figure we can take up to 60 players for this one - it could be epic. Head-to-Head matchplay tournament
Saturday November 19th - 5 pm - Spiro Agnew’s place - Burlington ON. The Battle of Burlington was dominated by Ottawa players last year, and I guess we’ll see if they can repeat! Head-to-Head matchplay tournament. This tournament is capped at 18 players, and a waiting list will be run.
Saturday December 3rd - 5 pm - my place - Scarborough ON (just on the Pickering border). To get more players in, this will be a 4-player tournament, Pinburgh style, capped at 13 matches. It will be limited to 20 players.
Each event has an entry fee of $25, 100% of which will be donated to I am in the process of setting this year’s initiative, and should have that finalized within the week.
Please visit to register, via the Contact page.
Many thanks for all support in my family’s fundraising initiatives, both past and present.