I sometimes do. Usually, they take place within some basementy bar with a couple machines (similar to Shanghai Tunnel in Portland). The machines are always ones that don’t exist in real life. And they often have really open playfields (kind of like World Poker Tour, but even more so). Just these really long open playfields with a couple loops at the very top. Sometimes they have moving targets that move horizontally across the middle of the playfield.
It’s interesting that I never dream about real machines.
My pinball-related dreams don’t usually get into the gameplay of a machine; rather, it’s the circumstances surrounding the game (usually tournament anxiety dreams). My two favorite pinball dreams are the one where I played Avatar against one of the Jonas Brothers, and the dream featuring the (obviously not a real) pinball machine “TrollZoolander 2.”
Last night’s pinball dream involved climbing down a ladder to get to the bar, and inside were three machines. One of them was called For Sure. It was trying to be a '90s version of Radical, or something. And the tagline was, “For sure, or not for sure, that is the question.” Like 80% of the playfield lights were out so I couldn’t see what was going on.