PAPA 19 Roll Call

Who’s going? Who wants a split flipper partner? Who wants to tailgate?

Looking forward to being back at the facility!

I’m in for Saturday and Sunday. Gotta get back to PAPA HQ.

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Will be there from Circuit finals till “A” finals.

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Looks like five Japanese players (at least) will be there, including Ito-san (who did well at the NW champs the year it was near IFPA) and the two IFPA competitors.


I was originally in, but am probably going to have to withdraw (re: finances).

Syracuse has a few people coming down. Great times always at PAPA HQ.
I will be volunteering, playing classics, tailgating, and wandering around playing strange titles you dont see anywhere else!

I’ll be there most evenings and all weekend, playing and explaining strategy and rulesets. You guys tailgate for this? That’s awesome!

[quote=“ScoutPilgrim, post:7, topic:1355”]
You guys tailgate for this?[/quote]

Someone has PAPA confused with Pinburgh.

Nah, I just use that term for any time I drink beer out of the trunk of a car. :wink:

outside of the PAPA tournament machines does anyone know if the rest of the machines are available for token play? I have extra tokens from Pinburgh a couple years ago to spend :slight_smile:

Always have been in the past.

Yes Gene, they will be.

Even Fairy.

Especially Fairy.

Ah, I would love to meet players from Japan! 紹介してるくれませんか。I live in Pittsburgh and will be at the tournament most days. I speak some Japanese and would be happy to advise on interesting things to do in Pittsburgh if they/you have free time. (My beau and I are hoping to get to play in Japan on our next trip.)

Nah, no tailgating at Pinburgh any more since it’s all downtown n’at. Unless you find a cool garage.

I won’t be there, nor do I speak Japanese worth a damn (or for that matter, play pinball well :frowning: ). Checking the tournament schedule, I won’t be seeing the guys before they leave, but if you PM me I’ll forward your details on. Their english skills range from pretty bad to pretty good, so a Japanese speaker might come in handy.

I am trying to decide my travel plans. Can any locals comment on whether I will become really angry with traffic and driving to papa if I stay near bakery square?

Guess you figured out lodging. Traffic out the “Parkway West” is the worst in the city but you can work around it if you avoid rush hours. Also it’s not as bad as non-rush-hour in some cities.