Hey folks! It’s that time of year again…that time of year where we make announcements about the NW Pinball Championships!
Major changes:
This year we are changing the Open and Novice divisions over from the traditional Best Game format to the “ex-PAPA” or “PAPA 19 and earlier” format! We did this because we like that format a lot, and miss it now that PAPA isn’t using it anymore. Classics will remain Best Game. As before, we’ll be using the Never Drains Manager tournament software for queueing and scorekeeping.
Ticket cost is TBD. We will crunch the numbers and attempt to figure out a cost that keeps the average per-player spend to roughly the same amount as it has been before.
We’re back on the PAPA Circuit! That’s right, NWPC2017 is a PAPA Circuit event!
NW Pinball Championships 2017
August 25th-27th (Qualifying Fri noon-11pm / Sat 10am-11pm, Finals Sunday)
Lynnwood Bowl and Skate
Lynnwood, WA (~20mins from downtown Seattle)
More at BDivision [Note that this page is not entirely updated yet with format details for 2017]
We take great pride in having an extremely dialed and enjoyable lineup and overall providing a world-class tournament experience. Beneficial Malfunction will be streaming the finals of the Open division as well as the last few hours of qualifying on Friday and Saturday.
Almost certainly will be, we just didn’t hear anything from anyone last year about it. We did one at POP so would definitely be up for going even further south this time! I’ll be in touch!
We are approaching Tournament - one month mark. Below is the current planned schedule for the different activities.
We have both larger Main and Classic tournament finals on Sunday leaving plenty of time on Sunday to qualify for both if people want to fly in on Friday.
We announce the line up for both banks a couple of weeks before the tournament.