No talk about KME being hired by Stern?

The news went around today that none other than Elwin himself… has been hired by Stern Pinball. Sweet :slight_smile: Didn’t see any existing thread stuff here…

I hope its not just a passion project but something that works out career wise for him as well.

@sk8ball - any comments? Are you still going to be free to be active in the hobby/community side of pinball? Are you moving or working from cali?


How many balls does MC take? :wink:

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I agree with @FunWithBonus, can’t wait to see a Stern Archer :wink:


Stern brining in new blood is great for the industry and shows they are looking forward to the longterm future. Big congrats to everyone involved making this happen.

On a side note deactivating your pinside account will be the new trend in pinball for 2017… That forum has just got crazy silly of late.


On a side note deactivating your pinside account will be the new trend in pinball for 2017…

So, why deactivate the account? I mean, Keith could just stop posting. The deactivation seems like a rather significant symbolic act?


I wouldn’t be surprised if Stern requested it as a condition of employment which Keith accepted.

However I also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an NDA in place covering all manner of things including whether or not that is the case.

Granted, it also wouldn’t surprise me if he deactivated a while ago because: pinside, and nobody noticed.


To quote pinside: “Keith who?”


The thing about NDAs is that most of them are like stop signs along rural roads in the middle of farm country: a lot of the time, they’re completely unnecessary … but they’re put out there for that one time you need them to prevent something bad from happening!

Let’s not import the Pinside drama to this forum. :wink:

Congrats @kme. Buy a warm sweater; Chicago winters are brutal.


Actually, that’s the sole reason why Keith took a job at Stern: To get a believable excuse to leave Pinside.


I love that he’s working with Stern too…just significantly increases the odds to almost 100% that we’ll have the opportunity to play the DvM playfield in a competitive setting.


And now, Keith has signed up to go to his first overseas IFPA! If going to work for Stern is what it took to do that, it’s worth it. Kick a** in Copenhagen, dude!


Actually just the opposite. Was planning to attend but now unsure due to the need to pack and move a bunch of pins before summer ends.

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I’m curious then, what motivated you to sign up to go this year when you hadn’t played outside the country before?

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The fact that I’m going of course :slight_smile: 90% more likely to finish 1st if I finish 2nd :slight_smile:


Because I am not working currently :slight_smile:


You were routing at home, right? Does this mean we will be getting more pins on location in the Chicago area?

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My route and games are staying where they are in CA for now.