I’m in a league where we’re considering tinkering with the format from what we’ve used the past few years. One of my goals is to also codify a proper rules document so I wanted to reach out to the community (and perhaps start a wiki document) that contains links that people are willing to share. I spoke with a handful of people at Pinburgh about their local scenes and what they like/don’t like and I’ve been doing my own research, but I am wondering if this would be a good avenue for collecting that information for the benefit of all.
I had a great time at this event as expected. Jon is being a little hard on himself I think. It started a few minutes late, big deal. I do think a non IFPA event would allow for some more quirkiness that could add some extra entertainment to the event but I think it was fine as is too. The airing of the grievances was brilliant and yes, Dennis’s poem was a hands down winner.
I think this event was a success but I always look for ways to improve/change things up. I also ask / listen for feedback and some of the post mortem points are related to that. Overall everyone seemed to have a good time and want the event to return for 2020, so that’s a success in my book!