INDISC 2017 - January 13-15 at the Museum of Pinball

We’re very excited to announce that It Never Drains in Southern California 2017 will be held at the Musuem of Pinball in Banning, CA from January 13-15, 2017! The museum has been very generous in working with us and allowing us to hold our tournament there despite Arcade Expo’s date change.

Please note: This is a private event. Only tournament competitors will be granted entry into the museum. The pinball machines used in the tournament and in the practice bank will be the only ones available for play. The remainder of the museum’s arcade and pinball machines will be powered off and unavailable.

There will be a $20 entry/registration fee per person used to cover the Museum’s operating costs for the weekend.

Additional details to follow! Keep an eye on our website ( and Facebook page ( and here on Tilt Forums [of course!] for more information.


Affect. :wink:


This is why I’ve switched to using “impact” in both cases :wink:


“the practice bank” that is a bank of 500 games right?


Consider the eimpact of your change.

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Let me ensure / assure / insure you that your meaning is clear. Idiotest starts now.

Well the renovation won’t effect INDISC, either. :smirk_cat: