We are about to run our first Herb style tourney and we are looking for something iOS compatible. Is there anything publicly available that anyone has had success with? TIA
I had a great experience using Never Drains (@kdeangelo). It’s web-based, and works great. You have to contact Karl to get hooked up with hosting and setup.
I had actually talked to him about it at Pinburgh but was unable to catch up and didn’t want to pester him but we have gotten in touch.
Accept No Substitutes.
I have had to accept substitutes. It was not pretty. (cough TPF cough)
Does the web app automatically update when the leaderboards change? I’m planning on displaying the leaderboard using a Raspberry Pi so I’m wondering if I need to implement auto refreshing on the Pi.
There’s a different URL I sent to Taylor for the standings page which will auto-refresh. The layout may be slightly off on a default Pi installation due to the system fonts. Been a while since I used one though.
Thanks Karl. It looks great on the Pi.