Rather than responding individually to people who are FREAKING OUT about where the cut line is going to be . . . I figured I would just make a statement here because everyone is on Tilt Forums, right?
I have NO IDEA where it’s going to end up. This whole PAPA/IFPA back-to-back thing is certainly proving to be a very interesting situation, and all I can say is good luck with PAPA qualifying good lord!
$1 to the person who predicts the cutline the closest, and we might as well go Price is Right Style, so without going over.
Bob Matthews is ineligible since I’m pretty sure he actually knows where the cut line will be
You should reserve one spot for the person who successfully guesses the cutline and isn’t above it (of course this would be the cutline minus the spot you are holding open for the winner.)
I was gonna email you this, then forgot, then remembered, then forgot again.
You wrote: “The initial invite list is open for the top 120 players in the World Pinball Player Rankings as of 1/1/2016.”
Is the field 120 this year?
You wrote:
“Two of the 64 spots will also be available for the highest ranked finisher not already in the IFPA field at both the 2015-16 IFPA US National Pinball Championship and the 2015-16 IFPA European Pinball Championship.”
Let’s just say I have already advised some people regarding making their travel plans …
People should not be freaking out, however. It was inevitable that the cut number would decline over time as more countries get added and as more of the “regulars” choose to travel to high-profile events more often. Look how many more players go cross-ocean now compared to 5 or 10 years ago.
If you’re worried about getting in, as Bowen would say, “play better!” Or move to NYC and play SuperLeague.
I’m OK with being ineligible for the guessing contest. I’ll treat it as a “professional disqualification.”
Re PAPA A, it’ll be reeeeally interesting this year, with all the IFPA players and the “top 199 ranked must play in A” rule. Even B will be more of a grind than usual.
I will make a prediction now: at least 5 Top 25 players will not make the A playoffs.
Yeah I want Bob to guess too! Just curious as to what he says.
I’m currently near the cutoff line and although a little disappointing thinking I might not make it, I think it speaks volumes to what competitive pinball is today. Its insane that they’re getting this much interest. In the end if I make it then great, but if I don’t then that’s okay too. The game has just grown to a whole different level that I don’t think any of us were expecting.
Pretty awesome stuff. Some might even say its SUPER.
I had a conversation with Shepherd at Pinburgh about where he expected the cut line to be and he guessed 55. That’s actually looking to be very close as the deadline nears. After checking some of the international players’ travel history, I’m thinking it will fall at 58. Yay for Colin, sorry Thomka.
That said, I’m SUPERexcited to have a chance to take part for the first time!
Will be a very packed “A” and “B” this year for sure. If there is a pre-papa tourney expect a huge crowd. Ifpa should always piggy back a major event to draw in the international players. Kudos for the scheduling.
If one of these skips, DNO may still jump in, so I think this is a decent forecast. All of this is predicated on no one who has announced so far changing their mind.
As Billy Joel would say, “you may be wrong, but you may be right.”
yes, I did this on my full consciousness, but my rewards are awesome:
I’m Asia’s number One now.
I got my own flag on the trophy! (it cost the IFPA about 7$ to buy them)
maybe there will be country exemptions for Thailand in the future, someone just have to organise a couple of tournaments there. There are at least 10 Pinball machines in the whole country.
Josh, would you know if last-minute spots had opened up at every prior IFPA championships due to no-shows (or other reasons)? Maybe there might be some hope for me if I’m the first alternate.