I am looking to purchase either a GOT Pro, GOT Premium, or a POTC. I’ve only played a few games on the Pro and a handful of games on POTC. I liked them both, and they both offered very different gameplay. I have not had a chance to play a Premium/LE on GOT yet, though.
First and foremost, I am looking for a game that my wife will enjoy. I had a TRON, but ended up selling it largely because my wife hated it. She loved the music and the theme (and she knows it’s one of my favorite movies), but the game was far too brutal for her <this is also why I’m not considering a TWD>. She isn’t a points chaser, so a game that plays a bit longer would be more her style. I know I can set the games up with lower slope, longer ball saves, easier EB, tighter outlanes, etc. That will help, but I’d prefer to try and keep modifications to a minimum (closing the outlanes is about the only thing I’d like to do).
I also owned a ST Premium for a little while. One thing I didn’t love about Star Trek is that while you could complete missions in any order you wanted, it still felt like chopping wood. I didn’t feel like I ever got much going until I finished my 3rd or 5th mission. It was fun for the first chunk of games, but once I hit that 100+ plays, I started to feel the fatigue. Also, I’m not sure my wife ever managed to make the Away Team shot once, ha.
So that said, my thoughts on the games…
GOT Pro plays great and fast. I love that there are a LOT of strategic decisions to be made. For a player, this offers a lot of unique approaches to the overall game. However, I’ve not played enough games on it to know how it feels after 50 or 100 or 200 plays. Does it feel routine? Does the software encourage you to play as different houses, or is there one way to score big on that game? I don’t watch the show or read the books, so theme here has no weight in this fight.
POTC is just an all around family game. The geometry doesn’t scream fan layout, and the ship toy is awesome. I love the Monkey shot and the chest. Tortuga is also really a neat shot. And while Four Winds and Gauntlet of Pirates are super tough, my biggest concern with this game is that it is significantly more shallow than GOT. It’s also not a very organic game - I don’t have a super tight grasp on the rules, but I seem to remember reading that you can’t really carry or stack things. I’ve put more games on this versus GOT, but I don’t think I’ve played enough to say I like it more than GOT. As with GOT, the theme here means nothing to me. I like the movies, but I’m not some superfan.
The odd man out here is the Premium. The geometry is very similar. The biggest difference is, of course, the upper playfield. I have not had a chance to play a Premium/LE yet, so I don’t have a ton to say. It’s a cool looking feature and it definitely adds an entirely different dynamic to the play, but I have no idea how it feels. It’s a very divided issue (Pro vs Premium). A lot of people say they prefer the Pro, but I don’t know why. Flow? If that’s the case, I’m not concerned. Flow isn’t something I put a ton of weight on. LOTR is one of my favorite games, and that isn’t one I see as having “amazing flow” (in fact, I see that described as clunky more often than not). The upper playfield may tend to slow the game down a hair, and that’s not the worst thing in the world for me.
I’m hoping those of you who have played enough of all three games may be able to provide some insight that I’m missing or an angle I haven’t considered. Thanks everyone!
PS - I hope this is the right subforum for this topic.