The thread I didn’t know I needed @stevevt I have a backlog of pin golf team name ideas. Current favorite is Par Wars: The Phantom Tilt (or The Empire Bangs Back).
Daniel really outdid himself with this season’s team names.
For non-PDX context, our team league has a chill summer session in between Fall and Spring seasons; teams are semi-randomly assigned taking into account +1s and IFPA ranking, so team names are similarly randomized. This summer’s roster: Emotionally Validated Playfields, We Have Shuffled Off This Flipper Coil, Death Save the Queen, Tilt-a-Whirl, Pin Pals, and Your Lord and Ball Savior.
Not a team, but around here there is a crew I guess you would call it known as DSD. Death save disciples. And a lesser, more non existent crew known as the donuts everytime crew. In addition, i sometimes refer to a group of people as “original jammers” long standing members of our local league.
Back when @pinwizj ran Pinbrawl at the Chicago Pinball Expo – which was Crazy Fun, even if he made us wake up at 6:40 AM to play – we had a team called Impending Doom. We were never quite sure if that was our Impending Doom or our opponent’s Impending Doom, but guaranteed win either way.
Considering we have 26 teams in the upcoming Seattle Monday Night Pinball league season, we’re bound to have some good names in the mix. Here are a few (pinball themed) names I like:
All Locked Up
Coinhole Surfers
Drain Freeze (who played out of an ice cream shop)
Drain in Hell
Magic Saves (who play out of a boardgame/Magic/D&D shop)
Middle Flippers
…and of course the Specials When Lit. (Or shortened just to SPECIALS!!!)
There are plenty of other great names in our league too, but they require more explanation and context since they relate to the venues.
Disclaimer: I’m not only a player in the league, I’m also the captain of the Specials.