Might be old news to some, but I just read about the yet-to-be-released WOZ 6.0 code that will display how much bonus you just lost due to tilting. This is great! All modern pins should change their Tilt screens to show what you just sacrificed.
Call me old school but I don’t think I want to see it. Whether it was me tilting or my opponent. The damage is done. Why push the knife in even more?
I remember when Spidey 1.9 came out. Here’s a line from the readme:
Added some speech for tilt. This goes against my better judgment, but there ARE some cool quotes.
Seems Lyman doesn’t even think you should get an audio clip for tilting. Wonder what he would think about showing tilted bonus. He was right about the audio he added. They are cool. I tilted my machine right away to check them.
Well the main reason I did it is because bonus can be horrifying large on WOZ, and that’s by design. Hobbit will also likely have the potential for large bonuses. I like this because it adds true peril to tilting. Nothing worse than having no reason not to try and tilt (WPT comes to mind).
I haven’t spent nearly enough time on OZ to know the bonus is potentialy huge. (I’m guessing it’s not IJ4 huge) It should make for interesting spectating. You’ll get the first groan when the player tilts, then you’ll get a second, maybe even bigger groan when the lost bonus is shown.
I’m guessing there will be a little delay before the tilted bonus is shown? Might as well build some suspense before the reveal. Any chance you could add code to cancel showing lost bonus (hit both flippers to not show lost bonus)? At least that way, you give the player the option of being publically humiliated twice in one ball. Or maybe add a setting Show/ Don’t show lost bonus?
You know I’m a big fan of your work Keith. If this is the worst feature you ever add (IMO), that’s not much to complain about. Keep up the awesome work you do. It is very much appreciated.
Why let people opt out of the perfectly awesome scenario you described? There are thousands of games of WOZ played for every 1 where any of this would come into play (a meaningful game + an audience + being embarassed).
Julie and I were once playing pins side by side in an arcade, and at some point, being the hopeless romantics that we are, reached over to smooch each other. BZZZT! Didn’t feel like full 110V (been there, done that, didn’t like it!), but a significant current passed through us. Only thing that I can figure is a horrible grounding problem that completed a circuit through our respective lockdown bars. Yikes.
[quote=“keefer, post:5, topic:1238”]Well the main reason I did it is because bonus can be horrifying large on WOZ, and that’s by design.
… Tilted out what was at bare minimum 500k tonight after forgetting my two warnings were up (damn you and your tilt change )
I love this idea. In fact I suggested it during play recently. It would be especially great to know if you’ve tilted away the opportunity to beat your opponent. You often wonder, “I THINK I just tilted away about 35 Million in bonus, which would have put me in front of you??!!”
A pretty interesting idea. I’d be for it, if only to see how people react to such a thing. I have no idea if it’ll hurt or help gameplay though.
[quote=“phishrace, post:3, topic:1238, full:true”]Seems Lyman doesn’t even think you should get an audio clip for tilting. Wonder what he would think about showing tilted bonus. He was right about the audio he added. They are cool. I tilted my machine right away to check them.
It could help for people who are too new to pinball to know what a tilt penalty is (even though it’s famously depicted in cartoons like Tom & Jerry and even modern ones like Gravity Falls, but it never gets enough context to make it clear what that “TILT” means) but are wily enough to nudge the machine. To someone who’s not familiar with pinball signals and never ever looks up at the display, a tilt will look like the machine has broken down or was forcibly shut off (at least until the lights come back on).
(I’d put it in the same class as the knocker going off, within the group of old pinball signals new players will misinterpret as malfunctions.)
The knocker is much more intelligible than the godawful screech sound that Stern uses nowadays—a knocker sounds deliberate, while the Stern thingo sounds like something broke. Blech.
Oh, did the old ones sound really different? I never heard a 90’s knocker in tiptop shape; most of the Bally-Williams and Gottliebs I’ve played on have knockers that sound really weak, like they’ve gone through a lot of wear and tear, or they sound just like the Stern ones.