There’s been a lot of talk and attention lately to doing one handed slap saves as a way to save the ball without getting it out of control. Whereas a traditional slap save involves hitting both flippers, one just after the other. I am trying to learn to do the single flip, but my brain is just programmed to hit both flippers.
I find that quite often when I do a slap save, instead of the ball flying off wildly in some random direction, it goes to a major shot like a ramp or scoop, etc. Often the ball may go to the only shot that is lit for a jackpot. It seems as though I am able to aim the slap save. Not every time of course, but quite often. Does anyone feel like this is a skill in their bag of tricks? Anyone think I’m just imagining this “perceived skill”? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Rather than aiming for a specific shot, I think the latest trend is to shatz the inlane on slap saves. I’ve been attempting it lately with minimal success.
I try and slap to the inlane when possible but I sometimes (too often it seems) hit the bottom sling post instead and center drain before the flipper has returned to rest.
The “Shatz-Save” is one of my recent favorite maneuvers. Mega bonus points on early Bally and Williams SS games. I’ve been doing it a lot and it seems to frequently end well. Of course, I like shatzing inlanes a lot so I’ve probably become pretty decent at it. Mileage may vary for those who don’t shatz as much in regular gameplay.
Any chance someone could break down exactly what is a slap (or shatz) save for this noob? Are we talking a smack to the flipper button with a nudge to one side only (instead of one side then the other) when the ball is coming down the center drain? So its just a “Pap!” Instead of a “Pap PAP!”?
Slap save is a “pap, pap”. Shatz save they are refering to is a single flip that would cause the ball to go into the inlane of the opposite flipper. I like to PAP, PAP!
I stopped doing two handed saves a long time ago when someone, probably bowen, mentioned how valuable they were in comparison. I dunno about aiming but, most of the time they do end up as a shatz or on the opposite flipper.
Yeah doing a Shatz on the one handed slap is the last thing I want to happen. I try to aim at the bottom of the sling post to try to deaden it in that area but if not raise the flipper before it can go SDTM
I try to do the one-handed slap save these days, but check-flip the opposite flipper slightly later than a normal slap to either trap or flip away, in case I’m off and I hit the bottom of the opposite sling. Still, on reaction I tend to do a regular slap save.