I know there probably aren’t a lot of folks traveling in for this, but just in case, and for the locals that read the forum, here’s the announcement for the Arcade Expo 3.0 ( March 17-19th) pinball tournaments.
I’ll post game info later but there will be 12 games used in a bank dedicated to the tournaments and expect them to be a wide variety of eras and manufacturers. Any other questions about the tournaments or event, feel free to ask here and I’ll do my best to find an answer.
Arcade Expo Pinball Tournament Info
IFPA Tournament
Saturday Group Knockout
• Group Knockout, 3 Strikes
• Players will be grouped into 4 (or occasionally 3) player groups and assigned to a game at random
• The lowest two finishers in the group will receive a strike (only one strike given in 3 player groups)
• Once a player has accumulated 3 strikes, they are eliminated from the tournament
• IFPA/PAPA rulebook will be used for tournament rulings
• Saturday March 18th, 1:30PM
• Check in from 12:45 to 1:15PM*
*Anyone NOT CHECKED IN by 1:15PM will be removed from the tournament list. Be sure to check in ON TIME!
• 11AM - 1:15PM
• 40 players maximum
• $20 Entry - 100% payout as follows
• 1st - 30%
• 2nd - 20%
• 3rd - 15%
• 4th - 10%
• 5th thru 8th - 5%
• 2nd to last place** - 5%
**Ties for this position will be broken by random draw
NON IFPA Tournaments
Split Flipper Saturday Night
• Two player teams with each player operating a single flipper
• 3 Strikes
• Teams will be paired up and assigned to a game at random
• Players on a team must switch sides between balls
• The losing team will receive a strike
• Once a team has accumulated 3 strikes, they are eliminated from the tournament
• IFPA/PAPA rulebook will be used for tournament rulings
• Saturday, March 18th - 7PM
• 6PM - 7PM
• 20 team maximum
• Free entry!
Single Handed Sunday
• Knockout, 3 Strikes
• Players will be paired up and assigned to a game at random
• The losing player will receive a strike
• Once a player has accumulated 3 strikes, they are eliminated from the tournament
• Players must play with only one hand, players may use whichever hand they prefer and may switch hands from ball to ball but never during the same ball
• IFPA/PAPA rulebook will be used for tournament rulings
• Sunday, March 19th - 1:30PM
• 12:30 - 1:30PM
• 40 player maximum
• Free entry!