Announcing iScored: Game Room Score Tracking App

Hi folks, I know i’m not a frequent contributor here, but I hope you all can tolerate a little crass self-promotion.

I just released a thing I’ve been working for the last 4 months. It’s a game room high score tracking app called iScored. Basically, it’s a highly-customizable fancy digital glorified whiteboard for you and and your guests (or patrons) to record their scores. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and various tablets (anything with a modern web browser, really). It was primarily designed with a touchscreen in mind, but it also works fine with a keyboard and mouse.

Here’s a video of it in action on a large touchscreen:

Here’s a video of it on a small Amazon Fire 7" tablet:

Users are responsible for uploading their own images, but it comes with a whole bunch of customization options and dozens of fonts built in. My beta testers have done some really cool stuff. Here’s a few screenshots:

Some of the options:

Works for video games too:

I wish I owned all these:

The website, where you can sign up, is here:

Lifetime access is $19.95. No subscription fees, no ads, no limits on the number of games or scores you can save.

Hope you enjoy it!


Does this track more than the top 4/5 scores? Can you scroll (up/down) beyond what is shown?

yes, each column scrolls vertically with either a mouse wheel or a swipe gesture.

you can see vertical scrolling in this clip:

there’s no limit to the number of scores you can store per game.


actually that’s not accurate. there are 39 usable characters, and three character positions, so in theory you can save 39^3 or 59,319 scores per game. If you’d like to test that theory be my guest. :slight_smile:


Hi folks! I hope you don’t mind me topping this thread for a major feature update.

I’ve added the ability for users to save and share their custom game styles with the rest of the iScored community. I think this will be a very fun and useful feature, and I can’t wait to see what cool designs people come up with! There are already several crazy designs with animated backgrounds (yep, gifs work … hard to convey with a screenshot, though).

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Running this on a big screen at The Sanctum with a laptop below for everyone to publicly track the high scores on all 47 of our games. People are starting to rally get into it.


That’s awesome! Sometimes it takes a little encouragement, because it’s not something people are used to doing, but in my experience, once they start, they get hooked on keeping track of their bests and comparing them to their friends.

I finally got around to set it up on our location at Work-Work; a bar in Trondheim, Norway. Fingers crossed that the general public will behave. :slight_smile:

Public Facebook post

It’s running on a 27" Hanns.g/Hannspree touch monitor and a Raspberry Pi 3+. The scrolling and UI in general is a bit choppy, honestly, so I might decide to upgrade to an Intel Compute Stick or something later on.


That looks amazing! Don’t be afraid to encourage people to use, to get it to catch on! :slight_smile:

Yeah, all the barkeepers will be instructed to go play some pinball and record their scores to get properly acquainted with the system. That way they all know what it is and how it works, so they can help and inform the guests.

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We have now upgraded to an Intel Compute Stick, and everything is buttery smooth. The Raspberry Pi just wasn’t fast enough.

Is it possible – perhaps with some CSS magic – to get the game picture to stay put on top when scrolling the scores vertically, instead of disappearing out of the screen?

Cool! I agree, the rPi3 scrolls a little bit chunky for my tastes on a graphic-intensive gameroom.

As for fixed column headers … hmm, I am not sure if it’s possible or not without an upgrade to explicitly add that feature. I can look into it, but probably won’t get to it today.

Thanks for trying iScored!

Since this was topped anyway, I’ll mention that I put together a high score board for my local league location (Carpool in Fairfax, VA) and i think it came out looking pretty cool, check it out:

(this link is the read-only version, so you can’t enter scores)

Can this be updated by any user from their own device or must it be updated from the computer where it is currently running?

anyone with the password can update it, from any device. (phone, pc, tablet, the touchscreen on your Tesla, whatever). Since posting scores to a web app is fundamentally an “honor system” premise, it’s up to the owner whether to set up a touchscreen where visitors can enter their own scores – probably perfectly fine for a home gameroom, probably a risky proposition for a public locale, where’d you’d probably want a set of trusted people who can update scores.

We decided to have it open for anyone in our public bar arcade, and it works fine so far. We did choose to limit names to 3 characters to avoid funny business on that front. We’ve had a few (very few) instances where 10-character high-score entries were used to write personal attacks, so we tend to stick with just three now.

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Just signed up last week. Love it! Had a pin party and this was a big hit on the TV.

@pezpunk Questions:
How do you view the pic uploaded for score verification?
How can an admin edit/delete a score?
How can you edit the competition>ranking css styling?

Hi nimr0d!

Wow, I forgot about this thread. For anyone else reading … jeez, the information here is pretty out of date! iScored is still going stronger than ever – 2024 was by far iScored’s most successful year in terms of sales, usage, activity, and every other metric. Also, I have added soooo many features since I made this thread 6 years ago! (for example, the primary way people use iScored now is by entering scores on their phones, by scanning a QR code displayed on a game).

Anyway, to address your questions:

  1. How do you view the pic uploaded for score verification?

It depends on whether you’re viewing the iScored gameroom logged in as the owner of that gameroom, or if you’re in Public Mode (read only). If you’re in Public Mode, you can click on a score and see something like this:

The score image for the score that you clicked on is shown at the top.

If you’re logged in, then clicking on an existing score shows you something like this:

The score image is shown to the right of the score entry box. Here, you can enter another score for this user, or delete their existing score.

Additional notes:

  • If you have Public Score Entry enabled, than anyone can enter scores (no iScored account required).
  • You can enable “Admin Approval” so that scores have to be verified before they show up on your leaderboard.
  • Admin Approval can be done via email or through the website.
  • You can choose in the settings whether a photo is required.
  1. How can an admin edit/delete a score?
    Just log in, click on a score, and click the “Delete” button. Scores can only be deleted by the gameroom owner. (At several users’ request, I did implement a setting to turn on the “Delete” button for public users, but I think that’s probably not something most users would want to enable).

  2. How can you edit the competition>ranking css styling?

The Competition Column is a special column that can be displayed on your gameroom screen that ranks all the players in your gameroom either via a few variations on “Herb” style Best Game scoring, or by their Average Rank on your games (with a specified minimum number to qualify).

Currently, its styling can’t be customized by the end user, but the ability to do so is in my Feature Request database. (I track how often each feature is requested, and generally tackle new features in order of popularity).

If you need to contact me for tech support on iScored, emailing me at is probably your best bet. You can also send me PMs through Facebook via the official iScored Facebook Page ( iScored Game Room Score Tracker ) or respond to this thread - I apparently get email notifications of new replies! Who knew.


Re: 1 and 2, I still couldn’t see that screen, but after choosing “request desktop site” on Chrome on my iPhone, it appeared. So I guess it just is a mobile version adjustment being made?

On 3, is there a public up/down vote feature request? Or are you just white boarding it? :slight_smile:

You should still be able to see the score image on mobile –

The exception is if you’re logged in. In that case, there isn’t really room for the score entry popup up plus the Best Scores box on most mobile devices.

There’s no public vote system for new features, but like I said, I track how many people request a given feature.