Found in the new Dirty Donny book…
Maybe I haven’t been into pinball long enough, but the leaks seem to be more complete and/or intentional with each subsequent Stern release. I don’t get it.
If it gets people talking about it…
Does getting people talking about it actually help? The pinball world is pretty small…it doesn’t take months for word to reach people. And, with how long manufacturing takes, if everyone finds out about it at the same time, it’s going to take a half a year for the people at the end of the line to get their machines anyway.
My observation has been that showing off games too far in advance just gives people a lot of time to complain and nitpick every little thing. People demand additions and subtractions, and by the time it actually arrives (years later, in the case of some non-Stern games), it’s pretty hard for people to have maintained optimism and enthusiasm.
In this case, I think it is awesome of stern (and possibly the record label) to give DD permission to publish the early art in his book. The book is awesome, but having Aerosmith gives it something extra. I think DD (and Metallica) have changed things for the better at Stern. It sounds like it took a lot of convincing, but now stern is fully bought into more art going forward. I consider this a guesture of thanks from stern, not some complicated conspiracy theory about strategic leaks.
Compare this to the artwork on Rolling Stones. Even if you don’t care for the band/s you can see it’s night and day with art quality.
Agree with ya Artman, so much more aesthetically pleasing.
As for the leaks, it seems Stern has a “eh who cares” approach. If you think about it, Its not like they are releasing new cell phones or something. The amount of people on the internet nitpicking and complaining and actually not ordering because of gang mentality complaints, should be rather small compared to random Aerosmith fan who buys his or hers first pinball machine of their lives. In Syracuse, we only have 2 operators of pins on location, and neither of them do any pinball business/research online. They receive any and all Stern news from their distributor.
You guys think it is possible that because of the price point of these pins today, that Stern is giving people heads up so they can start saving up for a machine? I mean, these machines are reaching a price point of a new car. Just a thought?
It all comes down to marketing strategy. I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but I’ve seen successful cases of things where they show off one small thing to get people talking, then go quiet and start showing more things later on as the release gets closer. (Though many of these examples are crowdfunded projects, which Stern obviously is not a part of.)
[quote=“SyracusePinball, post:7, topic:2266, full:true”]As for the leaks, it seems Stern has a “eh who cares” approach. If you think about it, Its not like they are releasing new cell phones or something. The amount of people on the internet nitpicking and complaining and actually not ordering because of gang mentality complaints, should be rather small compared to random Aerosmith fan who buys his or hers first pinball machine of their lives. In Syracuse, we only have 2 operators of pins on location, and neither of them do any pinball business/research online. They receive any and all Stern news from their distributor.
Oh, is that why we, here in LA, have a lot of operators who seem to only pick up machines from Stern and ignore everyone else? They subscribe to some Stern newsletter or something?

You guys think it is possible that because of the price point of these pins today, that Stern is giving people heads up so they can start saving up for a machine? I mean, these machines are reaching a price point of a new car. Just a thought?
Well, I’ve never been able to afford any of these. (And Aerosmith’s music was before my time.)