About Metallica Remastered; how should I approach the guide for this one?

Hey all,

So with the release of Metallica Remastered and a lot of changes to the game’s original code (new side modes, changes to scoring, etc.) I was wondering if I should go about creating a new guide for this machine or simply add additional info to the older one regarding the remaster. If it’s the latter, how would you suggest I go about doing this? I don’t want to make things too confusing for people wanting rules exclusively for the remaster.

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I would expect it to be a new guide (but I don’t feel strongly about it). Structure it as if it were a normal standalone game. For any sections where the rules are 90% unchanged mention the differences and link to the original Metallica rulesheet.

I think a new guide would be best, there’s enough changes that adding them to the old guide could definitely make it confusing

yeah, I would copy/paste the old one into a new Guide, and the populate/modify with the changes. Let them both stand alone.

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