Also have free play Florida probably the same weekend of OBX Flippers . I hate this happens but we changed dates with 24 hour sanctum for them to have first weekend in November when we both got on Circuit, and we took this date because weekend after first week in November is marathon weekend in OBX which is not a good weekend in OBX . So next choice is weekend before thanksgiving.
I wonder if that’s counting on people to fly out to Pinburgh and then buying a flight for Friday night or Saturday morning in anticipation of not making Pinburgh playoffs to go play in CAX…
So now we have 3 weekends and 6 out of 20 Circuit events overlap . I know these were only based on WPPR points but I hope in future this can be corrected . Even getting with these events now to help in future to not overlap .
Can these events pick another weekend , will those who know dates 5 years out share those dates so others will not overlap. Maybe in future will only have one circuit event per weekend with no overlaps. Who knows what will happen but hopefully this can be minimalized next year.
Here’s what I posted on Facebook to a similarly posed question:
The SPC selection process is completely objective based on average WPPR points earned. It doesn’t take into account the dates for the following year’s tournament. If an event makes the SPC based on those merits, they are welcome to run their event whenever is convenient for them (with the understanding that there are many factors that limit date selection for these tournaments - venue availability, organizer personal availability, holidays, etc).
This year I know that the SPC event I run “IFPA Pin-Masters” is the same weekend as the SPC event, Louisville Arcade Expo. I’m sure the LAX guys ran into needing those dates based on venue availability, and our event is tied into the AAMA/AMOA Amusement Expo where dates are known years in advance.
The continued hope is that these overlapping schedules will be kept to a minimum, but there’s no guarantees as to how it will play out season to season.
Like I said in post if you know the dates of AAMA and AMOA then those future dates need to be seen by all TD’s who are on circuit or are planning to be on circuit to not overlap for future events.
That’s fine, and as soon as I get those dates from the AAMA/AMOA I’ll post them.
The bigger issue is when we post our “must” date, and then LAX posts their “must” date because of a venue situation, and now we’re at this situation.
You mention “Maybe in future will only have one circuit event per weekend with no overlaps”.
So the answer is . . . who gets priority between Pin-Masters and LAX in this situation?
I feel like CAX and Pinburgh run into the same issue. No matter how much advance notice you give, they are actively trying NOT to be on the same weekend, yet it’s working out that way due to nobody’s fault.
There are ways to not have overlapping events. One criteria for me is if a event is closed to certain amount of participants and other event has a open qualifying. I would make the open qualifying event take precedence over the closed event every time if two events were on same weekend and needed to pick one for the weekend not just based off of wppr points.
For me since pinmasters is closed at 72 participants and Louisville is open qualifying then I would give precedence to Louisville as being a Circuit event for this weekend.
While I have the pleasure of being a TD for the TPF tournament, I’m not an organizer of the Texas Pinball Festival itself. But I can say without a doubt that the decision on when to hold the festival (and thus, the tourney) will trump any overlapping Circuit event conflict.