Always subject to change, and it’ll only be 12 games for Nationals/Women’s and 9 for Pin-Masters, but here’s the tentative list of potential games we’ll be using out in Vegas . . .
Gottlieb Abra Ca Dabra
Williams Miss-O
Bally 4 Queens
Bally Paragon
Williams Sorcerer
Gottlieb Genie
Allied Leisure The Entertainer
Williams Barracora
Data East Time Machine
Data East Torpedo Alley
Stern Game of Thrones Pro
Stern Iron Man
Bally Black Rose
Gottlieb Stargate
Stern TRON Legacy Pro
Stern Star Trek LE
Stern Metallica Pro
Stern X-Men Pro
Stern Stars
Bally Viking
Stern Seawitch
Bally Hard Body
Sega Twister
Stern Star Wars Pro
Stern Aerosmith Pro
Williams Flash
Bally Mr. & Mrs Pac Man