TPF2016 Tourney: New and Improved!

For the finals you can just duplicate out the feed that’s going to twitch onto a second/etc. monitor (mirrored). At some tournaments I’ve noticed people clustering around the commentators since they have the best view in the house :slightly_smiling: (Finals of Seattle PInball League being one of them. At one point they had like 10 people commentating and 2 playing…)

The Louisville set up worked nicely for this - the large TV set up in the back of the tournament area had the stream on it. Though it also led to the hilarious to me situation of practically no one watching the games “live” by looking at the machine and player, instead looking at the better view, much like being at a football game and watching the the tv feed on the stadium’s screen.

<-- token “live view” person

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I think the only way to provide a good “live view” that’s not on a screen would be to have the game in a pit and the seats elevated above the game…

Holy crap, an amphitheater, some opera glasses and we’re in business.

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Another way is to put the viewing monitor above where the players are. Then, people watching the TV feed will still sit where you expect spectators to be, still looking in the right direction.


But someone brought up “live view” as opposed to a monitor

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