Pincinnati: The Greater Cincinnati Pinball Show IV 12/6/2024 - 12/8/2024

Stream and matchplay links for Pincinnati


Wake up!!! Day 2 is here!!!

John OPP Delzoppo @jdelz

won the strikes tournament last night!

Top 4 qualifiers for the womens tournament were:

Anna Neal
Jen Ruper
Diane Spackman
Deborah Tahlman


Matchplay results:

B Div:

Linsey Rogers
Bill Walborn
Stuart Nyswonger
Anna Neal

A Div:

OPP John Delzoppo
Laser Los Carlos Delserda
Cincy Pinball Pat Green

If anyone has. Picture of B, please post. I forgot to take one.


Juniors winners!!


Also, all tournaments IFPA results have been submitted. Thanks!

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Such a great show and tournament experience! All the attention to detail really shines through and this will continue to be a can’t miss for me every year. Thanks so much @chuckwurt for masterminding the whole thing and everyone else who brought games and worked to make it all happen!

More tournaments definitely need a waterfall going at all times


Thanks John! That tournament area really worked out well and I feel like we need to stay there for the foreseeable future so more can experience it. Already have planning started for next years event, so definitely need any and all feedback anyone wants to give.

It’s a lot of work, but couldn’t have done it without all the people who just show up in numbers asking how they can help. We are so lucky to have such a great player/collector base for this show and tournament.

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Seems a crime to not have a WH2O sitting right there.


GET HYPE! tickets for the Pincinnati Tournaments go on sale 7/1!

100 player limit per event (Friday Strikes, and Saturday Matchplay). No limit for Gauntlet on Sunday, but we usually can only get in 30-35 runs in qualifying so show up early to sign up.

Friday strikes is $20
Saturday Matchplay is $40
Must have a weekend pass if you plan to plan in multiple events.

Other notes:

  • Only chairs will be up on the terrace this year so to give the players more room and allow for more seating.

  • Annex room being added to house the back up games and extra games needed for the added player count

  • Free water for all tournament players as always!

  • Food trucks this year!

If you have any questions, please reach out!!


4/2/1/0 scoring for playoffs? :pray:t2:

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Undecided. Definitely not saying no.

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Looking at the NKY open last year and switching those finals to 4,2,1,0 it would have not changed any of the results. However it would have produced 3-4 fewer ties in the points.

So I’ll try 4,2,1,0 this year at the NKY Open, and if all goes well, Pincinnati will follow.

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Glad you’re giving it a shot. Fewer ties is a good thing, and I just think wins at that stage deserve the bonus point.

If you want to see a situation where that math changes an outcome, take a look at the Pincinnati final last year. :upside_down_face:

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Haha. That was my initial reaction. Is this coming from sour grapes or actual proven data?

But as you know, I’m always open to suggestions and won’t immediately dismiss anything.

Well except pump n dump. :wink:

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Oh I was definitely critical of the 7/5/3/1 scoring in a 3 game set before it affected my outcome! I also could have just made a few of my shots on Hot Tip and it wouldn’t have been an issue.

Sorry I’m scumming up your show thread with a micro detail of the format. Glad you’re considering the change. That’s all I got, carry on!

This is always an excellent show and tournament. Looking forward to returning!

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I am a fan of 4/2/1/0 as well. Not just because it would help a fellow CLE player but I think it is deserved as well. It makes a win much more valuable and I’m sure it changes people thinking process of how to approach a game.

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All good brothas. We will do the trial run next month.

Tickets on sale tonight at 7pm eastern!

100 spots per day, but last year we had over 100 on the waitlists, so these will go fast. Be ready tonight!

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If you want to play an event with the BEST water feature then you don’t want to miss this! Seriously. Dedicated tournament area, the TD is a total stud and runs everything great. Highly recommend it. The show itself was killer too, but I don’t spend too much time there. The separation of the tournament area is something I wish more places did. But that waterfall?! Amazing.


The best thing about that is it drowns out all the pinball noise. So even though we’re rocking 20 games at once in the lobby, you can’t event hear them until you’re right up on them.

So glad we made the move to that space in the lobby.

To accommodate the additional players we will have an annex room around the corner from the main area to house the extra games and all backup games.

Also only putting chairs in the tournament area to allow more places to sit and make things less crowded.