Pincinnati: The Greater Cincinnati Pinball Show IV 12/6/2024 - 12/8/2024

Game list is up!! Still 30-40 some games to be added!

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When will the tournament game list be posted?

later this month or early next month. Still figuring out the last few tournament games.

Got our 19 tournament games figured out. I will release one game per day starting Nov 1st. thanks!

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All tournament players and waitlist people should’ve received and email with lots of info in it. Here’s a link to the tournament rules.

Please let me know if you cannot play as we need to let waitlist people know ASAP if they can play or not.


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I started releasing tournament games each day starting November first via our FB, IG, and twitter accounts. Follow us on any of those to keep up.

Tournament lineup to date:

Dodge City - OLD
Grand Prix - OLD
Big Game - MID
Genesis - MID
Iron Maiden Pro - NEW

Same set of games for all the tournaments?

Yes sir. Well gauntlet will only be 6 of these games, but yeah. And I have similar rules as sanctum. Practice all ya want. Just not while actively in a round.


Tournament lineup to date:
Dodge City - OLD
Grand Prix - OLD
Surf Champ - OLD
Big Indian - OLD
Big Game - MID
Genesis - MID
Big Guns - MID
Iron Maiden Pro - NEW
WWF Royal Rumble - NEW
ACDC Premium Vault - NEW

Current waitlists:

Tournament lineup to date:

Dodge city - OLD

Surf Champ - OLD

Grand Prix - OLD

Big Indian - OLD

Jungle Queen - OLD

Big Game - MID

Genesis - MID

Big Guns - MID

Stars - MID

Eight Ball Deluxe - MID

Iron Maiden Pro - NEW

AC/DC prem vault - NEW

Game of Thrones Prem - NEW

WWF Royal Rumble - NEW

Five games left to reveal.

Okay the classics are covered! Anything between 1993-2012? :thinking:

The NEW division will have the most games in it at 7

Put it this way. I LOVED the lineup at sanctum. Haha

And the final three games for NEW will be in your requested timeframe.


I see the resemblance!

I’m all for OLD/MID/NEW variance, but tend to prefer when MID leans more toward the later 80’s than earlier. Looking forward to the rest and getting down there next weekend :slight_smile:

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Definitely hear you there and I’m too heavy on early SS. I’m working on it. Noted for sure.

It’s really not even a criticism, just a personal preference. Work with what you have! Sourcing that many games for tournament play is a big job.

The era mix at The Sanctum this year wasn’t my favorite it’s been, but the games were set up properly and played well which is all I hope for when I travel to an event. I’m sure yours will too!

Yeah should be similar. I will have tighter tilts, but nothing too crazy.

All tournaments will be streamed at

Starting around 3 pm Friday

Then noon Saturday

Then 10am Sunday.


Reminder to all competitors to try your hand at all three Pincinnati tournaments. Should you win all three, you get this triple crown trophy and a $200 cash prize!

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Final tournament lineup

Sweethearts - OLD
Surf Champ - OLD
Grand Prix - OLD
Big Indian - OLD
Jungle Queen - OLD
Argosy - OLD
Big Game - MID
Genesis - MID
Big Guns - MID
Stars - MID
Eight Ball Deluxe - MID
Firepower - MID
Iron Maiden Pro - NEW
AC/DC prem vault - NEW
Game of Thrones Prem - NEW
WWF Royal Rumble - NEW
World Cup Soccer 94 - NEW
Junkyard - NEW
Medieval Madness Remake - NEW


Finally booked my hotel for the show. Save me one of the Black Knight shirts!


Hopefully you were able to get the discount. Shirt saved!