It's time to eliminate death saves

Yes. No big deal though. :slight_smile:

Also, I’m talking about Swedish “tournaments”/tournaments. I have no idea what it’s like in the US (or in any other countries than Sweden) these days. It’s two different types of playing pinball: play-it-safe-ish-tournament-play and GC-playing. I prefer GC/highscore playing.


Sorry, I didnt mean to slight at all. Lots of people play for different reasons. I like chasing high scores too!

It sounds like in NA death saves seem more prevalent, so when looking into high scores, we have to sorta take them into account, and my comment was kind of assuming that in the background, if that makes sense. It frustrates me a lot, actually, as I mentioned above.

You mentioned above that people in your community wouldn’t put in initials on a death save score (I don’t either, nor do I death save), and I very much respect that, and wish it were like that here as well.

This just seems like such a non-issue to me, personally. In terms of online scoring and GC’s, I can’t buy that death saves are the only, let alone greatest issue. The more I think about it, the less I understand why people see death saves as such a criminal act.

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OMG yes, let’s bring back gobble holes.


Welcome to Team Death Save!

I don’t care about death saves on my location games because I never see anyone do them. But I suppose if one or two players reached out to me to let me know that they are deterred from chasing GCs because other players have been doing death saves, I’d spend a few dollars and 30 minutes of my time install those rubber nubs below the flippers to prevent it.

Even if future games are released with hardware or software to combat death saving, we would still need to “fix” all the older games.

If the rubber nubs aren’t your style, I’m sure someone could come up with a massive one way gate that lives below the flippers.

The ethics here in Sweden used to be very good (and I think it still is, we’re naive you know :innocent:) and noone would consider entering their initials using bangbacks/death saves in the early 2000s. But, like I said, I saw some discussions on whether it should be “allowed” (ethics-wise) to do it here. I did not take part of the discussions since it’s so obvious to me: just don’t do it!

From what I’ve seen on the highscore tables in Stockholm there are no good players using death saves/bangbacks on the highscore tables, with really good scores. But I guess there could be a few cheaters around?! This might go downhill with online scoring :expressionless: I’ve never heard of “online scoring” before, but I can imagine what it is, and it sounds like a really bad idea. …let the cheating commence…!?

Tbh who cares about online scores or comparing, when not on the same machine…


good point, i don’t think you can death save, bangback or lazarus on NASCAR

Agreed, although they are definitely an issue. Rapid firing optos, double triggering switches, and other shenanigans are definitely the main issue with online scoring. Kickback currently has 2 games (JP and Elvira) with “tainted” initials due to ramp optos/switches.

yeah anyone who’s been to the PHOF has seen some ridiculous GCs which were opto based (most likely) on WoF and some other games

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Ran into this on a WoF in a womens event run at Game Exchange as a warm up for the Nationals/Women’s/Pinmasters broadcast team. It happened to one or two players who were being streamed in the final round of qualification. Had to throw out the game. Then chat pointed out that the GC was over a billion. We probably should have noticed that before the tournament started. :frowning:


Sorry I thought this post said Its time to death save… :frowning:


Was the WOF scoring the right-ramp-made opto at about 100 times a second? Had to help a location repair a WOF doing that back in the day, needed a new board from Stern to fix it for good.

Now more than ever, I’m looking forward to putting some more DSD high scores up. :slight_smile: :skull: :innocent:


Could care less if someone death saves privately…but death saves are illegal tournament moves, which means they aren’t valid saves. Anyone death saving in a public location to get ridiculous GCs is just lame in my book.


“lame” - that’s the prefect word to describe it!

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More death backs and bang saves. I love those moves!

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