Enforcement of Personal Conduct?

Dang, I maybe shoulda grabbed a TD for this guy with bloodshot eyes, crazy hair, slurring, and certainly not comprehending what was happening in our round. Nearly every ball for the entire bank he asked if it was his turn and went back to dancing if it wasn’t. At one point he asked me if he could buy a drink of my beer because he “had terrible cotton mouth.” I declined the offer.

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Is that for Pinburgh or all IFPA endorsed tournaments? Because I’m def gonna use that in our league to mess with people.


I think I played a round with the same guy. He was kind enough to offer our group a “bowl” after our round was over. I declined even though I had skipped breakfast. :wink:

Seriously though, I hope the few people who couldn’t handle themselves don’t ruin it for everyone else. I witnessed some extremely inappropriate behavior first hand. It was shocking how blatantly drunk this person was.


I’ve actually noticed a lot less of the blatant drunkenness since the move to the new location. It was much worse at PAPA HQ where people could basically tailgate for cheap all day long.


Possibly. This was also round 10 so we caught him at the tail end of his partying I’m guessing. Good player, just not all there, and really quite the character. I told him we’d wait for him to use the water fountain, because sorry, I don’t share or sell my beverages with strangers.

Some people take winning very, very seriously. Or rather, they are sore losers. I think anyone who enters a pinball competition expecting to win is crazy, but I know that if a competition is big enough, you’re going to get at least one such person.

Bad sportsmanship is something common in collectible card games though. You have people complaining that they’re losing too much. The upside though is that they usually drop out if they’re not doing as well as they hoped, so by the end, almost all of them are gone.

I don’t know why, but I like hearing stories like these. I think it’s because it makes me feel like I’m not the only one who sees this sort of thing happening. I mean, this sort of behavior is rare, but any time I see it, it stands out and I permanently remember it plain as day.

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