Deep cuts of semi-useful pinball knowledge

Hmmm, how do you score on Berseker’s Rage? I guess I tried it once or twice and got nothing out of it really. Other than very cool animations and sound!

Like everything else in the game if you can hit the snickt multiplier at 5X it’s valuable. Otherwise it doesn’t score much.

I think a lot of the above examples are “being in X mode blocks you from starting (or progressing toward) Y mode”, which is extremely common in pinball.

I want stuff where there are multiple modes/features running, but the implementation of one prevents you from scoring opportunities in the other. I can’t think of any examples right now, but I bet there is an example we can come up with that involves a diverter.

Starting regular multiball on HSII when you are 1 shot / RPM from lighting Redline Mania will start multiball and kill your redline mania.

When you exit multiball you will be back to gear 1 with no redline lit.


Similar can happen on NGG: have both multiball lit and hole 9 lit for putt-out, shoot HIO shot to start multiball, multiball ends and you’re on hole 10.

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That’s right… I completely forgot about that one.

In a similar vein: anti-stack of Congo’s Super Multiball when you’re one lock away from regular Multiball. Not only is the Super MB scoring underwhelming, but you get sent back to square one on progress toward next regular Mb. Thanks, Amy!


Pushing aside the answer to the question of why I’m playing Munsters at all, I’d much rather deal with Lily as a last mode than Spot.

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I appreciate JJP games because almost everything is stackable, so you don’t have to worry about anti-stacks too much

It’s a spinner mode, just shoot the spinners. Or time it out and play something that isn’t a complete waste of effort.

Ok. I could barely remember what it was about, and haven’t played Deadpool for a long time. As far as I remember the points are miniscule and I always went for something else instead.

But you play both in the same exact way, by timing them out! :frowning:


LOTR: Starting Fellowship of the Ring (FotR) MB and the Super Ring Frenzy Gift at the same time.

You can’t make progress on FotR until you cash out Super Ring Frenzy. And due to FotR MB, it’s nearly impossible to progress Super Ring Frenzy all the way to the EB without accidentally hitting the Balrog.


It’s a complete disaster every time it happens. :frowning: However, I wouldn’t say “nearly impossible” really, to get the EB. Depending on your priorities (Valinor(s) vs. a three hour long game with billions of scores) you might to just want to bash that Balrog at once, to end the misery (with an EB on the line). :broken_heart:

PS. Welcome to tiltforums (I’m not a regular/veteran though) DS.

At first I thought you meant SRFMB and was wondering how that was even possible.

Yeah the balrog/ring thing kinda sucks, but it became evident I had to award ring stuff on the balrog for when it was stuck out. (And I wasn’t allowed, at the time, to make a determination as to whether it was broken or not.)

What about the setting CONSOLATION BALROG? What does that do in that case?

I think that setting enables Bash Balrog as a mystery award if a player is doing terribly. My memories of that mode are kinda vague though…

Correct, Consolation Balrog just means that “Bash Balrog” is available either as a mystery award or the first cave award. If you get FOTRMB first, it’ll not be awarded.

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If you have the Demogorgon open on Stranger Things and you start the Monster Hunting mode via the L orbit or ramp, the mode is running but you can’t hit the required shots because the drop targets are blocked by the open Demogorgon. I assume this will be fixed with new code (and I haven’t played it in like a week, so who knows, maybe it’s already fixed!), but it’s an annoying stack to accidentally start.


The left ramp entry switch on Tommy tends to spin and register consecutively, thus making a it a good shot for earning more frenzy points in the Christmas and Tommy Scoring modes.

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I’m a bit behind here, but Dr Dude will also drain a no switch multiball plunge and kick the ball back into single ball play. I presume other games of that era may do so as well.

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