Who's got the best league? - Trash Talker Invitational League Challenge at Replay FX

@dbs wanna champion this for SPL? :slight_smile:


I’m in for SPL if enough Seattle People will be around! Just have to have a 7pm flight on Sunday…

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Trying to pull together a group from Buffalo to do this…

Looks like we have some of the smaller leagues ready to go- but appears the big ones are afraid to face the NEPL. https://www.facebook.com/events/1113328425407749/

We’ve got 6 players confirmed for Seattle, and 3 on board for reserves. Bring your best game. We already brought the best players.

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I’m really thinking the NY’rs are afraid of the NEPL. At least the Buffalo guys are working on a team (is buffalo still part of NY or have the seceded to Canada now?

As an NYC’er I’d be down but I already booked my flight out on Sunday. Given that qualifying starts on Thursday morning, I already have to fly out Wednesday night and take 2 days off of work.

What I’m saying is, I dare you to come to Modern Pinball and talk that trash. :wink:

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Wait, @K3V if you are part of Canada now can I try out for a spot on the team?

Canada/Buffalo forces combine like Voltron?

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Maybe hit up Jade Ang from NY. As much as I wouldn’t want to play against her, she’d probably be interested and is a great player to have on any team!


Texas is in! We now have three leagues confirmed, another 3 indicated they plan on it. Superleague? FSPA? OCP? PPL- not up for the challenge?

PPL is largely engaged in ensuring your ReplayFX / Pinburgh experience is ready. So…we win. Let us know who comes in second. (Is that trash talky enough for yins?)


Four spots are still open for the Trash Talker League challenge. Who’s up for the battle?

could this challenge maybe happen on Saturday night instead of Sunday because plenty of us are either driving or flying back home on sunday . This could start like at 8 or 9 on Saturday night. .

I like this idea, doing it on Sunday felt odd and was sort of inconvenient

it could work but would have to be after the finals so maybe 10PM start? It did last from Noon to 4PM so maybe too long for 10PM start?

I don’t think a 10 pm start is too late . Just as long as we can cattle prod the participants in knowing we don’t have all night to finish this tourney and we can do without all these wipe down rituals before you plunge a ball . Maybe we can get Angela to make up a awesome huge giant trophy to the league who wins then brings back trophy each year to add a new name to trophy .

Who ever is in charge of this please consider Saturday night and am sure would get more participants or ringers for each league.
I would help run the event if they needed help just let me know.

I’ve been running a Trash Talker tournament here in Boston for the past couple of years. It’s been a blast for everyone involved. Quite frankly the best part of the event is the pre and post tournament trash talking-- the actual pinball is secondary.
The league concept was thrown together at the last minute because Greg “no show” Poverelli (just kidding) thought it would be fun for the NEPL guys to face off against the NY’rs at Replay. I expanded on it to add more leagues and it seemed like everyone had a good time playing in it. If there is enough interest in doing it again I’ll speak to Doug and Bowen to see about getting it on the schedule. I have no doubt more leagues will want to join if that was an official event.
The biggest issue is the day/time. Obviously it can’t be during finals and I wouldn’t want to step on the toes of the side tournament. I’m open to suggestions but i think Sunday is probably the best day. Another option could be to do one round on Saturday night and then the second and ringer round on Sunday at 11am. that way everyone could be done by about 1:00 -1:30.
We also need way more trash talking next year! Everyone was too damn polite- especially all the ringers from SPL. How could they let a team from Texas take home the Can! Just look at the smirk on Team Texas captain Matt Quants’ face. That can’t be allowed to happen again.

haha we did what we could, lost a lot of players to flight home, it would have really helped to get 8 instead of 6 but they did better than us and won the trash can fair and square :smiley:
Matt did his best to come in last on the final game that let the door opened though :wink: