Just got a chance to listen to the podcast, so I’m entering this a bit late. I use the index finger of my left hand and the middle finger of my right. I wasn’t conscious of it until one time someone asked me and I had to walk up to a game to figure it out. Now if I think about it too much it starts to bother me! I have wondered why I got in the habit of using two different fingers. One possible explanation I’ve come up with is that it has to do with playing the guitar. When I pick a guitar up, before I start playing, I usually have my left index finger resting on the frets, and my right middle finger tends to grab the bottom string.
I find that for some shots I flip with my middle and index fingers, while for some others I flip with my middle and ring fingers. If you had to ask me why, I couldn’t tell you.
Well, this is just silly. I went to play tonight while reflecting back on this thread, and discovered that I wasn’t even right about which finger is which. I use first finger of right hand, middle finger of left, not the other way around. So there goes my theory. I got nothin’.
Middle fingers for me with a little support from pointers. Slap saves have all fingers touching (like a high-5) and just hoping for the best!
For me, it’s been index finger on the left and middle finger on the right ever since I was twelve years old. I didn’t notice the asymmetry until I was about 16. I even tried to change to using either index finger or middle finger on both hands, but found myself subconsciously reverting to the different fingers. Eventually, I gave up and just accepted that I use different fingers on the left and right. It’s been like this for forty years now…
I know, it’s a blemish on my personality, but I think I shall live with it
You have the reverse of mine. I have no idea why mine developed asymmetrically either but it only bothers me if I start thinking about it! I’ve only been playing three years but by the time I was first aware of it it’s always been the same.