Maximum number of players is 48, registration coming soon and will be announced here.
If we get at least 40 players we will bump the ‘A’ division to: top-12 qualify.
On-site registration (if available) and check-in: 9:30am
Practice from 10am-10:30am
Qualifying match play rounds start at 10:30am and continue until 9:00pm or until all finals slots are filled.
Finals on Sunday, October 9th starting at 10am.
Format: Target Match Play
Entry Fee: WPPR rank 1-250: $70, rank 251+: $40
Game list: TBA
Qualification Rounds:
Players will be placed into four-player groups (occasionally three-player) to compete on an individual, randomly selected machine.
Points will be awarded based upon performance on that machine (3/2/1/0) and added to a running total for the tournament.
A player qualifies for finals by reaching or passing a target value of 25 points at which point the player no longer competes in the qualification rounds.
Match play will continue until all available finals positions are filled. If the time allotted for match play expires prior to filling all finals positions, the remaining positions will be filled based upon rankings tabulated at the conclusion of the final match play round.
Final Rounds:
Top 8 go to ‘A’ finals, next 8 go to ‘B’ finals.
Players with WPPR rankings 1-250 will be restricted from playing in ‘B’ finals.
Players that placed 1st for 2014/2015 will be restricted from playing in ‘B’ finals.
4 Player groups with the same scoring as the qualification rounds (3/2/1/0).
Side Tournament - Game TBA, Format: TBA (Karl is in the ‘lab’ right now brewing something up!)
Watch here and www.iepinball for more details and updates! - Sign up today!
I mostly used to find these (thanks @umbilico!). The first 17 are videos that are only of the game in question, or at least start with one of the tournament games (I’m downloading these to my phone and seeking ahead is a hassle on mobile). The remainder are multi-game videos that each feature at least one game from the tournament lineup.
Not free the whole weekend? Come give ‘BUTTON BASH’ a try…and support a great charity at the same time…POP (Pinball Outreach Project)!
BUTTON BASH (Spiderman edition) available for play Sat and Sun. Top 4 scores win cash!