The real insult is that we’ve never made a change (or decision) people didn’t complain about. I’ve listened to more people crap all over the PAPA format in the last several years than I can count. It was literally one of the lowest rated formats in our surveys. I have e-mails from probably a dozen people in this exact thread who have privately suggested major changes over the years because they weren’t happy with the format or how things have been done.
These changes were enacted primarily due to both player responses and financial concerns related to the old format, and quite frankly, as a member of this community, it’s disgusting to me that after all PAPA has done and given (and all the money it has LOST attempting to grow pinball) that it still doesn’t ever get the benefit of the doubt. Also, the PAPA format isn’t some higher calling; it’s a pinball format, and it’s been changed MULTIPLE TIMES throughout the years for various reasons.
If anyone wants to talk to me, you know my e-mail or phone. I cringed when someone sent me this link, and now I’m officially done with feedback on forums. The signal to noise ratio sucks.