Match Play Events: The Next Generation

This month Max MP officially surpassed Flip Frenzies in popularity!

Two bullets:

  • If you’re not playing a true round robin, wait a bit to mash the “create matches” button. I’ve heard folks typically wait until they have 8-10 people waiting
  • If you’re not playing a true round robin, keep an eye on whether one or more players are “falling behind”. If someone does start to fall behind, wait to create new matches until that player is waiting so they are immediately assigned a new match. If you can get them caught up before the very end that’s best

This is good timing because I just made updates to Max MP to address the three most common pieces of feedback I’ve received.

#1: Big screen view update interval
The big screen view will update every 15 seconds instead of every 60 seconds for Max MP tournaments.

#2: Limit number of matches created
When you create matches you can now limit the number of matches created. This is useful if you have a player falling behind and you want to hold back players who have played a lot of games quickly. By limiting the number of matches created you can create matches only for the players who are falling behind while leaving the rest of the field waiting.

#3: Better overview of players
The “players waiting” section is rebranded as a list of all players. The list makes it loud and clear how many games each player has played. The list includes all players (both waiting and playing players), but you can still see how many players are waiting at a glance. Should make it easier to identify players who are falling behind.