Known bugs?

With Getaway, you literally need a spreadsheet to chart its awfulness.

To some extent, though, it’s not as bad as it sounds. The 2 major versions to use are L-2 and L-5. On L-5, every 3 arrivals into the lockup per player will restart your multiball (complete with ballsaver). If you understand what that means, then great. Otherwise, think of it like this:

lock 1->lock 2->lock 3 (multiball start)->jackpot->sj->sj (multiball restart)->jackpot->sj->sj (multiball restart)

It gets really really horrible when RLM gets involved.

lock 1->lock 2->[start RLM]->jackpot (multiball restarts)->jackpot->sj (still augmented to 100M at least I’m pretty sure)->sj (multiball restarts)


lock 1->[start RLM]->jp->sj (augmented to 100M) (multiball restarts)->jp->sj->sj (multiball restarts)

Hopefully you generally get it.

I believe this also means

lock 1->lock 2->lock 3 (mb)->jackpot->sj->[drain out]->lock 1 (multiball starts)

I’m a little bit sketchy on that last one but I think that’s still right.

But, in L-5, secret mania works. yay. Why the hell are you picking secret mania anyway?

In L-2, everything works as it should, but secret mania is completely fucked.

Therefore, on L-2, you could say “start SM at your own risk (you will not come out ahead)”.

I do not believe the secret mania breakage affects other players, but if it did, you could always prohibit and automatically charge an intentional interference to anyone who started it during a multiplayer game.

Hook is one of the buggiest games ever. The most important thing, however, is everyone needs to agree that crock clock rollovers still count for 100M on your score (croc clock total goes from 95M->0M). We did this in fspa way back in the day. As long as the display is functioning correctly (a big if) it’s otherwise a fine game to play.

The CFTBL snack attack bug is to start snack attack (typically 4 right ramps), do NOT collect it, then start multiball instead (helps to be lit before starting snack attack). In order for the bug to occur, you need to drain directly from multiball to bonus (actually I believe you can drain during the restart timer as well because modes are resurrected yet). On your next ball, snack attack will restart, with the hurryup value starting at ZERO. This causes an underflow to 9.999B, so you have to wait long enough that your score + hurryup doesn’t go back OVER 10B, otherwise you have basically subtracted points from your score.

STTNG has many many horrible bugs. If you start final frontier and the ball isn’t being held for some reason (ball is live on pf during artifact count-up) and you drain that ball before balls are kicked out, you go to bonus and no points AT ALL are awarded. Also, the FF total seems to have little basis in reality, but I have nfi if the points are scored properly or not.

The list goes on and on.