Huh? All Stern Treks are virtual locks for Klingon MB.
(I didn’t play the IG ST pin… I’m just curious about the comment as it pertains to ST rules and game settings)
Stern star trek pro has a setting labeled “virtual locks”. When on, Klingon multiball cannot be achieved.
lol. Thanks. That’s hilarious – certainly a different meaning of “virtual” than what we’re all used to in pinball lock terminology. Should be called “tease locks” in settings.
How many hours did IG Finals take last year?
Two thoughts on modifying finals:
(1) What about sending off the 16 groups (assuming you don’t bust 64 finalists) to go play a set of 3 games on randomly assigned, still-intact Pinburgh banks, using the Modern, EM, and either the Late SS or Early SS. 4-2-1-0 scoring. Better qualifying seeds in each group get choice of order on all 3 games.
Or consider having the finals groups use multi-play format in initial three rounds, if time is of concern.
(2) if you continue with 3-strikes, allow the better qualifying seeds to have choice of playing order, or have MatchPlay automatically assign them the last available playing order spot.
Stern games have an bit of the old code base to them. But they can use more QA why have an disable that does not fully bypass some thing.
I can see need to disable stuff to keep the game getting coin drop with out balling getting stuck due to bad hardware. But test that code.
Sorry it took me this long to get back to you. The finals duration last year was a approximately 5 hours and 15 minutes.