Local theater company is performing ‘Tommy the Musical’ so you gotta have some pinball! See http://www.footlite.org/ if you want to buy tickets to the show.
Bally Table King Pinball Tournament Open to all ages & Skill Levels. WPPR points approved.
Visit http://www.ifpapinball.com/calendar/
Subject to slight changes, check website for updates
When: May 7th – 9th, 2015
Qualifying: Thurs May 7th @ 6p-10p
Friday May 8th @ 6p-10p
Saturday May 9th @ 10a-2p
Unlimited attempts across 5 machines ($1 per attempt + coin drop if no credits) - Keep highest score on each game => Best 5 score cumulative total = Overall Rank - Tourney Games MUST have scorekeeper before playing - All ‘Tourney Machines’ played as non-tourney & ‘Non-Tourney Machines’ are 50 cents. - All coin drop to be split between Trophy Fund ($70 Max) & Theater Donation ($100 min) (ie, $212 would be $70 for Trophies and $152 for Theater)
Playoffs A & B Brackets (Maybe C) - Roll Call @ 2:15p May 9th Everybody Qualifies for a Playoff Bracket - A Bracket will be top Half or less (top 8, 12, 16) - B Bracket will be next lower group - (C Bracket Last Group) - (ie, 23 Players = A 8, B 8, C 7) or (11 A & 12 B)…(24 Players = A 12, B 12, no C)
Games TBD (Delta Queen, Corvette, WCS 94, IRONMAN…) If you want to bring a game, please let me know.