Good luck at state finals today, everyone that is participating! I love that this event is held on the same day everywhere. It will make it interesting tonight to read who won where. I’ll post updates from the Ohio tournament if anything interesting happens.
I’m playing Karl (aka “Winner of INDISC”) in the first round. I’m going to need all the luck I can get! Last year the California brackets were on Challonge, but I don’t know if anything will be online this year.
Jim Belsito and Johnny Modica are the only other So. Cal players today. Aaron Nelson is still claiming Oregon with IFPA, but other than that it’s all Nor. Cal today (we had a lot of tournaments in the Bay Area in 2014)
Yes, Brian Dominy won in FL. Here’s a compiled list, and anyone can edit this post to add the states with missing information.
Chris Warren: AL
Will McKinney: AZ
Andrei Massenkoff: CA
Adam Lefkoff: CO
Jerry Bernard: CT
Brian Dominy: FL
Bryan Broyles: GA
Joshua Henderson: IL
Brad Smith: IN
Phil Cridlebaugh: KS
Derek Fugate: KY
Scott Hannan: LA
Bowen Kerins: MA
Dave Hubbard: MD
Paul Litalien, Sr.: ME
Andy Rosa: MI
Paul Madison: MN
Chris Basler: MO
Drew Cedolia: NC
James Calcia: NH
Ken Rossi: NJ
Bob Matthews: NV
Mike Pantino: NY
John Delzoppo: OH
Shawn Lee: OK
Noah Davis: OR
Mahesh Murthy: PA
Preston Moncla: TX
Austin Mackert: VA
Steve Daniels: VT
Dave Stewart: WA
Tom Graf: WI
Brian Dye: WV
Robert Gagno: BC
Adam Becker: ON
Phli Birnbaum: QB
Had a blast playing in my first state championship, and first tourney against top-ranked competition. Illinois is pretty dang tough. I’m happy I was able to take Josh Sharpe to seven games in round one, but the better player deservedly won. The only way I lasted that long was to choose drainy, early solid state games for all three of my picks. My modern game skills are pretty far behind the best players, and to be honest, I’m never going to put in the amount of work it takes to get there. Still a great time, though.